Recently, I found a dataset of regular expressions used with python's
built-in package.
I kind of wished to use those regexes from ocaml. Randomly searched online and came across an answer in this stackoverflow post.
Was surprised to see that we could actually have a form of algebraic data type in python. So I had a closer look.
(Yeah, instead of my main goal, I went on a side-quest.. Not so proud to say that it's not my first time.. đ )
I had not used python much after Python 3.9 or so. It's come a long way since then (latest stable is 3.12.5).
Some things that I liked:
match .. case
int | bool
can be used in type hints instead of
Union[int, bool]
(PEP 604)ForwardRef
(Python 3.7.4) had something to do with this too..from __future__ import annotations
as of Python
statement (Python 3.12)
(PEP 695)
In a way, python's type hints was what made me first realize the importance of types. To think of types as actually guiding the program rather than the nuisance that I used to think they were. It took a language without static type checking for me to realize value of type checks. But that was before I came in contact with Coq, Haskell, sml and ocaml.
Python does have a lot of stuff inspired from the world of functional style of programming, after all.
Anyhow, as an example, I will show how a 'ADT-like' type representing binary tree can be made in Python. I kind of follow the description here used during a programming course at our institute. That course was taught by my advisor (with me as one of the TAs) and used sml.
In sml, a tree type can be made like this:
datatype 'a tree
= Emptyof ('a tree) * 'a * ('a tree) | Node
Let's try replicating this in Python.
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
class Node[T]:
left: Tree[T]
value: T
right: Tree[T]
type Tree[T] = Node[T] | None
Observe that this is a recursive type (Python 3.12 needs stuff from
for this).
Looks like None
is kind of special in Python. It seems
to be a value of type NoneType
, but it looked as if
is not meant to be used by users. So, it seemed
like in this case, None
is both a value and a type. Kind of
like ()
in Haskell.
Anyway, let's see if this working.
# Type of binary trees
# sml analogue: 'a tree
>>> Tree
>>> # Type of binary trees with int values
# sml analogue: int tree
>>> Tree[int]
>>> # Type of binary trees with boolean values
# sml analogue: bool tree
>>> Tree[int]
>>> Tree[bool]
bool] Tree[
Python interpreter seems happy.
Now let's make some values.
First, to make it easy to create values, let's make a helper function
to make a tree with a single value in it.
def singleton[T](val: T) -> Tree[T]:
return Node(None, val, None)
Now on to actually making some trees:
>>> egbool: Tree[bool] = Node(singleton(true), false, singleton(false))
>>> egbool
=Node(left=None, value=True, right=None), value=False, right=Node(left=None, value=False, right=None)) Node(left
Note that python by itself doesn't do any static type checking. So this would also run without error.
# Type is boolean tree, but value is int tree!
>>> egboolBad: Tree[bool] = Node(singleton(0), 1, singleton(2))
>>> egboolBad
=Node(left=None, value=0, right=None), value=1, right=Node(left=None, value=2, right=None)) Node(left
Got to run a static typer checker to catch this error. There are quite a few. Among them mypy, pyre, pytype, pyright are open source.
I tried mypy:
$ mypy --enable-incomplete-feature=NewGenericSyntax error: Argument 1 to "singleton" has incompatible type "int"; expected "bool" [arg-type] error: Argument 2 to "Node" has incompatible type "int"; expected "bool" [arg-type]
Found 2 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
Syntax that is used to define Tree
uses a syntax that is
new in Python 3.12 (PEP 695). Static type checkers like mypy has not yet
finished incorporating this change apparently due to still supporting
older codeĘł.
Hence the extra option passed to the mypy command.
Without the
, I got
error: PEP 695 generics are not yet supported. Use --enable-incomplete-feature=NewGenericSyntax for experimental support [valid-type]
Okay, let's create a function on Tree[T]
type. Say,
in-order traversal. A function that accepts a tree and returns a list of
its values.
from typing import assert_never
def inorder[T](tree: Tree[T]) -> list[T]:
= []
rval match tree:
case None: pass
case Node(lft, val, rgt):
+= inorder(lft) + [val] + inorder(rgt)
rval case _:
assert_never(tree)return rval
This uses the match .. case
(patmat) syntax for
structural pattern matching. Like the kind that we are used to in
functional languages like sml. Not as cool maybe, but still nice.. đ A
tutorial for this syntax of Python is available here.
Also, see the way the T
type is put in here. Kind of
like an implicit argument in a Coq function. Or of a typeclass in
(Thanks to PEP 695, I guess. Earlier T
would have had to
be declared separately with TypeVar
. And sometimes we would
also have had to use Generic
from typing
is meant to be used only for static type checkers as a way to assert
that some part of code will never be reached. See this.
We use it here to indicate that the function inorder
Trying an example with inorder
>>> egInt1: Tree[int] = Node(singleton(0), 1, singleton(2))
>>> egInt2: Tree[int] = Node(singleton(4), 5, singleton(6))
>>> egInt: Tree[int] = Node(egInt1, 3, egInt2)
>>> print(inorder(egInt))
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] [
Similarly, pre-order and post-order traversal functions can be defined.
Next, let's try making a function to map values in a
from typing import Callable
def treemap[A, B](
func: Callable[[A], B],-> Tree [B]:
tree: Tree[A]) match tree:
case None:
return None
case Node(lft, val, rgt):
= treemap(func, lft)
lftmod = treemap(func, rgt)
rgtmod return Node(lftmod, func(val), rgtmod)
case _:
Callable[[A], B]
indicates type of a 'callable' value
(like a function) which accepts a value of type A
returns a value of type B
The above function in sml could be like:
fun treemap f Empty = Empty
| treemap f (Node (lft, x, rgt)) =let val lftmod = treemap f lft in
let val rgtmod = treemap f rgt in
Node (lftmod, f x, rgtmod)end
A complete python file with the definitions seen so far:
from __future__ import annotations
import dataclasses
from typing import Callable, assert_never
class Node[T]:
left: Tree[T]
value: T
right: Tree[T]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(inorder(self))
def __str__(self) -> str:
return ' '.join(map(str, self))
# Type of trees with values of type `T`
type Tree[T] = Node[T] | None
def singleton[T](val: T) -> Tree[T]:
return Node(None, val, None)
def inorder[T](tree: Tree[T]) -> list[T]:
= []
rval match tree:
case None: pass
case Node(lft, val, rgt):
+= inorder(lft) + [val] + inorder(rgt)
rval case _:
assert_never(tree)return rval
def preorder[T](tree: Tree[T]) -> list[T]:
= []
rval match tree:
case None: pass
case Node(lft, val, rgt):
+= [val] + postorder(lft) + postorder(rgt)
rval case _:
assert_never(tree)return rval
def postorder[T](tree: Tree[T]) -> list[T]:
= []
rval match tree:
case None: pass
case Node(lft, val, rgt):
+= postorder(lft) + postorder(rgt) + [val]
rval case _:
assert_never(tree)return rval
def treemap[A, B](
func: Callable[[A], B],-> Tree [B]:
tree: Tree[A]) match tree:
case None:
return None
case Node(lft, val, rgt):
= treemap(func, lft)
lftmod = treemap(func, rgt)
rgtmod return Node(lftmod, func(val), rgtmod)
case _:
def rotateClockwise[T](tree: Tree[T]) -> Tree[T]:
match tree:
case Node(Node(llft, lval, lrgt), val, rgt):
return Node(llft, lval, Node(lrgt, val, rgt))
case _:
return tree
Type checking with mypy:
$ mypy --enable-incomplete-feature=NewGenericSyntax
Success: no issues found in 1 source file
Versions of software used