Poetry is a tool for creating, managing and publishing packages in Python.
May be installed from PyPI or using a script.
I prefer the PyPI version because I've heard people warning against getting accustomed to running scripts that you don't know.
We can use pip to install poetry from PyPI.
pip install poetry
Download the installation script with curl and use Python to run it.
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python -
Poetry's website recommends this method of installation as
If installed using this method, a sub command of poetry itself can be used to update it independent of Python version.
poetry new project-name
By default the project created using poetry would have a flat layout.
If you prefer a src-layout, use the --src
option and
poetry new --src project-name
See [docs](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#new).
The new
sub-command is used when we start a new package
from scratch. If you already got the files, you may use the
sub-command to generate the pyproject.toml file.
poetry init
poetry add package-name
A package can be installed as a development dependency using the
or -D
option as in
poetry add -D package-name
Build your package with
poetry build
and the built module's files would appear under the
You may want to adjust the remote server to which the package is published with
poetry config repositories.pypi "https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/" # for pypi.org
The built module can be pushed to a remote server with
poetry publish
by default the remote server is pypi.org
The package can be both built and published with
poetry --build publish