From Chapter 5 of TAPL:
In the mid 1960s, Peter Landin observed that a complex programming language can be understood by formulating it as a tiny core caclulus capturing the language's essential mechanisms, together with a collection of convenient derived forms whose behaviour is understood by translating them into the core language.
Landin chose lambda calculus as core language.
All computations reduced to a few basic operations: function definition and function application
Semantics specifies how the terms are evaluated. The meaning of the terms in the language.
A tiny language with arithmetic operations along with ℕ and 𝔹 as types.
{- Syntax -}
-- terms
t = O -- constant zero
| succ t
| pred t
| iszero t
{- values -}
-- Evaluation rules
t₁ → t₂
succ t₁ → succ t₂
t₁ → t₂
pred t₁ → pred t₂
t₁ → t₂
iszero t₁ → iszero t₂
iszero O → true
iszero (succ nv) → false
pred O → O -- side-stepping the issue here.
pred (succ nv) → nv
t ⇓ v
means that the term t
evaluates to
the value v
.t → t'
means that t
evaluates to
in a single step from the evaluation relation.Two styles in which simply typed lambda calculus can be formulated.
Curry-style | Church-style |
Define terms, define semantics as to how | Define terms, identify well-typed terms |
they behave, give a type system that | with a type system, then give |
reject some terms. | semantics just to those terms. |
Semantics is prior to typing. | Typing is prior to semantics. |
Behaviour of ill-typed terms may be | Behaviour (ie, semantics) of ill-typed |
defined to some extent. | terms not even defined. |
Historically used for implicitly typed | Commonly used for explicitly typed |
lambda calculi. | presentations of lambda calculi. |
erasure(x) = x
erasure(λx:T.t) = λx. erasure(t)
erasure(t₁ t₂) = erasure(t₁) erasure(t₂)
t₁ → t₂
, then
erasure(t₁) → erasure(t₂)
erasure(t) → m'
, then ∃t'. t → t'
erasure(t') = m
By definition, abstraction takes only one argument. But currying can be done to get the effect of functions with as many arguments as needed.
Nameless lambda calculus.
Use numbers instead of names for variables.
If used, no need of α-conversion as there can't be name collisions if there are no names. :)
ie, open terms.
We don't know how far is the binder (ie, λ) for a free variable. We need a naming context.
For example, in λx. y x
, we know that x
but are not sure about y
Use a naming context (which is basically an assignation of de-Bruijn indices to the free variables) and use this assignment consistently.
Consider a naming context like
Γ = x ↦ 4
| y ↦ 3
| z ↦ 2
| a ↦ 1
| b ↦ 0
Then the terms could be 'translated' to:
| Named | Nameless |
| x (y z) | 4 (3 2) |
| λw. y w | 4 0 |
| λw. λa. x | 6 |
for each binder, we got to increment the de-Bruijn index of the free variables.
But can't have free variables in this notation? Though that isn't much of a problem as any term with a free variable can be made into a closed term.
Like: λx. x y
being made into
λy. (λ.x x y)
It's so simple (just 3 rules for untyped lambda calculus!), yet it can express any computable function.
Lambda calculus with β-reduction is as powerful as a Turing machine.
It can express any computable function.
term = x -- variable
| λx. t -- abstraction
| t₁ t₂ -- application
We use an auxiliary operation called shifting for help in doing substitution.
The name of the bound variables are irrelevant as long as the naming is consistent.
For example, λx. x
and λw. w
are both same.
The change in name doesn't make them different. Both are simply
different forms of the identity function.
To handle stuff like
[1 ↦ s](λ.2)
because as we are doing the substitution by going inside the body of the lambda (ie, the abstraction), the context becomes longer by one term (the variable over which the abstraction is done is added to the context).
To ensure that the de-Bruijn indices still refer to the proper lambda terms, we would need to increment ('shift up') the all de-Bruijn indices of all free variables inside the body of the abstraction.
Note that we can't just shift all variables just like that. Only free variables (ie, the variables which are bound somewhere outside the abstraction being examined) need to be shifted.
Bound variables should not be shifted.
shift(d, c) k = k, if k < c
| k + d, if k ≥ c
shift(d, c) (λ.t) = λ. shift(d, c+1) t
shift(d, c) (t₁ t₂) = (shift(d, c) t₁) (shift(d, c) t₂)
-- if c is not mentioned, it is assumed to be 0
-- Exercise: 6.2.2
-- Part 1
shift(2) (λ.λ. 1 (0 2))
= λ. shift(2, 1) (λ. 1 (0 2))
= λ. λ. shift(2, 2) (1 (0 2))
= λ. λ. 1 (0 4)
-- Part 2
shift(2) (λ. 0 1 (λ. 0 1 2))
= λ. shift(2,1) (0 1 (λ. 0 1 2))
= λ. 0 3 (λ. shift(2,2) (0 1 2))
= λ. 0 3 (λ. 0 1 4)
Shifting 'moves'.
A substitution operation that makes sure that the bound variable names of terms are kept distinct from the free variable names.
This is the kind of substitution that we usually mean when we just say substitution.
FV(x) = {x} -- variable
FV(λx.t) = FV(t) - {x} -- abstraction
FV(t₁ t₂) = FV(t₁) ∪ FV(t₂) -- application
Effectively just recursion.
fix =
λf. (λx. f (λy. x x y)) (λx. f (λy. x x y))
Like ref 3
in sml.
λx. x h
can be α-reduced to λy. y h
Free variables are left untouched. Only the bound variable is renamed.
[x ↦ y z](λy. x y)
is problematic as the condition
y ∉ FV(y z)
is not met.
But if the term can be α-reduced like
[x ↦ y z](λk. x k)
there is variable capture.
Replace the occurrences of bound variable of the abstraction with the argument (on an application) in the body of the abstraction.
(λ.x x) y → [x ↦ y](λ.x x) → y
A term of the form (λx. t₁) t
Types of β-reduction
id(id(λz. id z))
id(λz. id z)
λz. id z
λz. z
id(id(λz. id z))
id(λz. id z)
λz. id z
id(id(λz. id z))
id(λz. id z)
λz. id z
:DBT: Signficance of the term 'call' here. There are no 'function call', isn't it? Just rewrites?
Any redux can be reduced at any time.
id (id (λz. id z))
id (λz. id z)
id (λz. z)
λz. z
Reduction stops.
Another possiblity:
id (id (λz. id z))
id (id (λz. z))
id (λz. z)
λz. z
Reduction stops.
id (id (λz. id z))
id (λz. id z)
(λz. id z)
Reduction stops.
Even though the 'id z' inside the last abstraction could also be reduced.
id (id (λz. id z))
id (λz. id z)
(λz. id z)
Reduction stops.
Even though the 'id z' inside the last abstraction could also be reduced.
id (id (λz. id z))
id (λz. id z)
λz. id z
(λz. z)
Reduction stops.
λx.f x
with f
if x
doesn't appear as a free variable in f
fix f = f (fix f)
An extension of simply typed lambda calculus
Abstracts out varying types. Universal types.
A form of parametric polymorphism.
Well-typed terms in System F are normalizing.
t → t'
that can
reduce it (progress).Type inference for System-F is undecidable. (Why??)
First discovered by the logician Jean-Yves Girard (1972) in the context of proof theory
Then independently by the computer scientist John Reynolds (1974)
aka second-order lambda calculus
Has been extensively used as a research vehicle to study polymorphism and as the basis of many programming language designs.
-- assumptions: types of available functions
nil : ∀X. List X
cons : ∀X. X -> List X
isnil : ∀X. List X -> Bool
head : ∀X. List X -> X
tail : ∀X. List X -> List X (* everything except first element)
-- map function
λX. λY. λf:(X -> Y).
(fix (λm: (List X) -> (List Y). -- recursive function
λl: List X. -- input list
if isnil [X] l -- from where did 'if' come from??
then nil [Y]
cons [Y] (f (head [X] l))
(m (tail [X] l))))
append: ∀X. (List X) -> (List X) -> (List X)
append =
λX. (fix (λm: (List X) -> (List X) -> (List X).
λa: (List X). λb: (List X).
if isnil [X] a
then b
cons [X] (head [X] a) (m (tail [X] a) y)))
reverse: ∀X. (List X) -> (List X)
reverse =
λX. (fix λm: (List X) -> (List X).
λa: (List X).
if isnil [X] a
then nil [X]
append [X] (m (tail [X] a)) (head [X] a))
Evaluation of a well-typed term is guaranteed to halt in a finite number of steps. ie, every well-typed term is normalizable. (src: tapl)
Not every term has a normal form. Terms without a normal form are said to diverge (Divergent term).
Par example, the term
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)
Any attempt to reduce this term will resultant in the original term itself.
A definition (of a set/type etc) is impredicative if it involves a quantifier whose domain includes the very thing being defined. (src: tapl C23)
Type variables that range only over quantifier-free types. (src: tapl C23)
Quantified types.
t → t'
means t
reduces to
Γ ⊢ t : T t → t'
Γ ⊢ t' : T
t → t'
) that takes it a step closer to normalized
form.Types and Programming Languages by Benjamin Pierce
Advanced topics in Types and Programming Languages by Benjamin Pierce
Lambda-calculus and combinators, an introduction by Hindley and Seldin
An introduction to the lambda calculus for computer scientists by Hankin (very basic)
Lectures on the Curry-Howard isomorphism by Sorensen and Urzyczyn (advanced)
Basic simple type theory by Hindley (advanced)
The lambda calculus: its syntax and semantics by Barendregt (authoritative)
Using this definition, we can define identity function (λx:T. T):
idfn = Abs A A (λx:Term A. x)
where A
is a type variable.
Systems that provide mechanisms for representing the syntax and proof systems which make up a logic.
/| /|
F / | / |
+--------+ |
| | | |
| +-----|--+
| /λω | /
|/ |/
λ→ LF
System-F: polymorphic lambda calculus