Based on vidoes of lectures by Alexandra Silva at OPLSS-2021.
Mistakes my own.
L = {w ∈ Σ* | w contains aba at least once}
where Σ = {a,b}
DFA = (S, <o,t>)
t*(s)(ε) = s t*(s)(aw) = t*[t(s)(a)][w]
where t* is like the big-step form of t.
Languages accepted by a state:
Coalgebra in category theory
S ---------->----------> 2^(Σ*)
| |
| |
| |
V <o_S,t_S> V <o_L,t_L>
| |
| |
(𝔹,S) --------->---------> (𝔹,[2^(Σ*)]ᴬ)
2(Σ*) = Lᴬ This is defined by a characteristic function:
Σ* → 2
Equip a state s:S with a transition function and output function and
you get a DFA (ie, type (𝔹,S)
Brzozowski derivatives
Uₐ = {u | au ∈ U}
Notation: Lᴬ
It's like:
f: X → Y
fᴬ: Xᴬ → Yᴬ
φ: A → X
fᴬ(φ)(a:A) = f (φ a)
ie, it's just function composition.
means f ∘ φ
φ:A → dom(f)
We can give an ordering as
e ≤ f if e + f = f
regex → DFA
(x + y)_a = x_a + y_a
(x ; y)_a
| o x == 0 => x_a ; y
| otherwise => x_a;y + y_a
output function: o
. 1
if final state
possibly reached, else 0
o(∅) = 0
o(ε) = 1
o(a) = 0
o(r*) = 1
o(r1+r2) = o(r1) ∨ o(r2)
o(r1;r2) = o(r1) ∧ o(r2)
where the semantics for ; is made out as if 0 and 1 form a lattice like
- 0 ∨ 1 is 1
- 0 ∧ 1 is 0
But still... how does that explain it ????
o(r1) ∧ o(r2) means both r1 and r2 got to accept. Only end of r2 got to be accepting, right?
'a-derivative' is like removing 'a' from the string.
∅a = 0 | we can't take 'a' from nothingness |
εa = 0 | we can't take 'a' from empty string |
r*a = ra;r* |
regex → NFA
Sets unlike in the case of Brzozowski derivatives.
Every time you see a 'plus' (ie, an alternative path), we add a new set (corresponds to spawning a new thread of execution).
Comma instead of plus when translating Brzozowski derivatives to Antimirov derivatives.
NFAs from Antimirov derivatives are usually smaller than the one built via Brzozowski derivatives.
(x + y)_a = {x_a, y_a}
(x ; y)_a
| o x == 0 => {x_a ; y}
| otherwise => {x_a;y, y_a}
Antimirov implicitly does ACI (associativity, commutativity, identity) resolution by virtue of the set operation.
dₐ(∅) = ∅
dₐ(ε) = ∅
dₐ(.) = ε
dₐ(c) = {ε} if a=c
| ∅ if a≠c
dₐ(r1;r2) = {r;r2 | r ∈ dₐ(r1)} if r1 cannot derive ε
| dₐ(r2) ∪ {r;r2 | r ∈ dₐ(r1)} otherwise
dₐ(r1+r2) = dₐ(r1) ∪ dₐ(r2)
dₐ(r*) = {rr;r* | rr ∈ dₐ(r)}
Glushkov automata or position automata: Another way to convert regex to DFA/NFA (mostly used for NFAs though).
Glushkov automata or position automata: another way of building NFA out of regex.
(K, +, ⋅, *, 0, 1)
(B, +, ⋅, neg, 0, 1)
is embedded in
this KANotations:
Strings are guarded by tests/actions.
KAT subsumes Propositional Hoare Logic!
{a} p {b}
is equivalent to
ap ≤ pb ??
ap ≤ apb
apb̅ = 0
(Think of {bc} p {c}
like an loop. b
is the
exit condition.)
Another example:
{bc} p {c}
{c} while b do p {b̅c}
This is same as saying
bcpc̅ = 0
c(bp)*b̅(b̅c)' = 0
First presented at POPL'14.
Can be used for verifying networks.
Packet (π): Essentially an assignment to a finite set of fields
Packet history: non-empty sequence of packet.
Head packet: First packet in the packet history. This is what we manipulate.
NetKAT is a Kleene algebra where the tests and actions are both pairs.
x ← n
x = n
(check if x is equal to n)An example:
sw=6;pt=8; dst←A;pt←5
Test: if switch number is 6 and port is 8,
Action: make destination A and port 5
(policy; topo); policy
The final 'policy' is to flush final values.
+---+ +---+
| | n m | |
| A |------------------| B |
| | | |
+---+ +---+
switch switch
This link could be written as:
sw=A;pt=n; sw←B;pt←m
Coming to swtiches, they are like little networks themselves. Switches generally consist of match-action tables.
Applications using NetKAT: