Name has something to do with proof theory
Has a good proof theory
linear + non-linear (with overloading. same function can be used in linear or non-linear way)
type?? inference
Simplest type: empty type or unit
DBT: 'I hate the empty type'. Why?
Types with one element
----- ---------
(): 1 (): value
Type with
So the important this is the +
ie, the 'Either' type. Left or right. Ability to distinguish between the two directions. => sum type
e: A e: B
------------- -------------
inl e: A + B inr e: A + B
v: value v value
------------- -------------
inl v: value inr v: value
- true = inl ()
- false = inr ()
Working with binary sum is cumbersome. So multi-way sum??
+{e: Aₑ | e ← L} such that L≠∅ and L is finite
L is an index set.
A+B = +{inl: A, inr: B} bool = +{true: 1, false: 1}
The : 1
is a tag.
Can L be recursive? Yes.
Example: nat
nat = +{zero: 1, succ: nat}
[0] = zero ()
[1] = succ (zero ())
[2] = succ (succ (zero ()))
DBT: This is equirecursive types. Not just isomorphic types.
Note: sum cannot have recursion. This has.
Typing rules for +
k (v)
means k tagging a value
(k ∈ L) e: Aₖ
----------------------- +i
k (e): +{l: Aₗ | l ∈ L}
DBT: What is A
Try a list of nats:
list = +{nil: 1, cons: nat * list }
Now we need pair type.
e1: A e2: B v1: val v2: val
------------------- ----------------------
(e1, e2): A*B (v1, v2): val
We got few rules to construct elements. Now we need rules to actually compute with them.
Try negation of bools.
A function like: nat (x: bool): bool
Got to do case (ie, patmat).
nat x =
match x with
| true u => false u
| false u => true u
true and false are tags. u here will be unit/1.
This is fine too:
nat x =
match x with
| true u => false ()
| false u => true ()
But in linear programming (aka garbage free programming), every var
would be used exactly once. No garbage => no need of garbage
collection. And in the above snippet, u
is not used. So
better not go with that.
Now we got patmat. Got to give rules to type that.
Δ ⊢ e: +{
Δ,Γ ⊢ match e with (l(x) -> eₗ) l∈L : C
dup x = (x, x) not valid in LFP
Disjoint union
Γ is either empty or one var with another Γ ??
Γ := ()
| Γ, x:A
Δ ⊢ e1: A Γ ⊢ e2: B
Δ,Γ ⊢ (e1, e2): A*B
Empty context can prove only one thing.
x: A ⊢ x: A
k x y = x not valid ∵ y not used.
Δ ⊢ e: A*B Γ x:A y:B ⊢ e':C
match e with (x,y) => e': C
An example.
plus (x: nat) (y: nat): nat
plus x y =
match x with
| zero () => y
| succ x' => succ (plus x' y)
plus x y =
match x with
| zero () => y
| succ x' => plus x' (succ y)
Second one is tail recursive!
DBT: (match on x or y doesn't matter. It's a symmetric function ???)
Linear program: use up all its vars, but only once.
plus (x: nat) (y: nat): nat
plus x y =
match x with
| zero u => y
| succ x' => succ (plus x' y)
This is wrong, I guess? Because u is not used.
Tags and labels.
Variable name clashes: Got to be different.
Product of n elements: Has to be lazy
Pair has no labels
Γ ⊢ e: Aₖ (k ∈ L)
----------------------- +i
Γ ⊢ k (e): +{l: Aₗ | l ∈ L}
type bool = +{'true:1, 'false: 1}
decl not (x: bool): bool
defn not x = match x with
| 'true() => 'false()
| 'false() => 'true()
; $ ./snax --out=none hi.adj0
; % loading file hi.adj0
; % default mode: L
; %%----- values
; %%-----
; % success
decl false: bool
defn false = not ('true ())
type nat = +{'zero:1, 'succ: nat}
decl three: nat
defn three = succ (succ (succ (zero())))
type list = +{'nil: 1, 'cons: nat * list}
Reversing a list: It should be linear.
HW: mult, exp
drop and copy for nat mult => inefficiency ??
You probably shouldn't be using this kind of copy/drop
drop, copy any given type
Benefits of linear proging: no need of GC
The reverse can be made to be in-place. Space reuse. Conversion to C. Not all programs/function addition should be linear. If it isn't, it's probably a bug
No higher order functions in SNAX. map isn't there ?
At least not in adj0 (level 0)
x: A ⊢ x: A
⋅ ⊢ (): 1
Δ⊢e1: A Γ⊢e2: B
Δ,Γ⊢(e1, e2): A*B
Δ⊢e: 1 Γ⊢e': C
Δ,Γ⊢(match e with () => e'): C
Δ⊢e: A*B Γ,x:A,y:B⊢e': C
Δ,Γ⊢(match e with (x,y) => e'): C
sum intro
Γ⊢e: Aₖ | k∈L
Γ ⊢ k(e): +{l:Aₗ | l ∈ L}
sum destr
Δ⊢e:+{l:Aₗ | l∈L} Aₖ | k∈L
Γ ⊢ k(e): +{l:Aₗ | l ∈ L}
Setting up the logic system is the real deal. Proof is routine.
Closer the correspondance between dynamcis and statiscs => easeir ther proofs ???
Let η is env (ie, a variable map) for context Γ. While writing inference rules, write what you know first and follow from there.
Already passed type checker => single use guaraneetted ???
Subtractive approach. Spit out unused context. It has some problems.
Additive approach. Spit out used context.
In addtivie approach, if Γ ⊢ e:A \ Ω then
If Ω ⊢ e:A and Ω⊆Γ, then
η1⊢e1-->v1\ω1 η2⊢e2-->v2\ω2
η1,η2⊢(e1,e2) --> (v1,v2) \ (ω1,ω2)
Γ⊢e:A \ Ω η:Γ ω:Ω v:A
η ⊢ e-->v\ω
adding lambdas. complicated, but still like done so far. merge operation affine logic: vars can be used at most once. are the evaluation rules and typing rules isomorphic? No, some discrepancies.
⋅ A ⊢ A
Original natural deduction
Linear logic:
Top definitions. Fully linear language => can't accomplish much ??
Linear logic
A,B := 1 | A*B | A+B
| !A (of course A. Allows assumption re-use. Use ordinary logic within linear??)
| A lollipop B (like implication. Notin Snax yet ??)
| A&B (conjunction)
Positive can be duplicated, but not negative ?? So negative need
A => B is !A lollipop B
1+1 ⊢ (1+1) * (1+1)
Copy of boolean type
Extracting proof from program ???? As long as logic is constructive ??
A -> B -> A cannot be proved??? Because B is never used.
Γ,A ⊢ B
Γ⊢λx:A.e: A-> B
Γ⊢A->B Δ⊢A
Γ,Δ ⊢ B
can't patmat on lambdas. Can apply it though. Indicative of difference between positive and negative types. Observing structres?? Negaive => can't observe structure, but can use them. & is lazy ??
& lazy record, or external choice
positive => can look at their structure. we can observe them dirly => can duplicate them negative => apply / project component. can't just drop/duplicate
recursive lazy record => OOP
map fn is not linear. because f has to be applied in n times
For now (adj1), !A is any top-level defns. ∵ they can be used as many times as needed.
type nat = +{'zero: 1, 'succ: nat}
type list = +{'nil: 1, 'cons: nat*list}
decl map (f: nat -> nat) (xs: list): list
defn map f xs =
match xs with
| 'nil() => 'nil()
| 'cons(x,xs) => 'cons(f x, map f xs)
% loading file one.adj1
% default mode: L
variable f of mode L used more than once
| 'cons(x,xs) => 'cons(f x, map f xs)
% static checking failed
It reports the first one it come across (here, it uses the additive approach)
/ \
\ /
$ snax -m A file.ajd1
% loading file one.adj1 % default mode: A one.adj1:8.26-8.39:error: variable f of mode A used more than once
'cons(x,xs) => 'cons(f x, map f xs) |
% static checking failed
% loading file one.adj1 % default mode: S one.adj1:7.5-7.11:error: variable f of mode S not used in all branches
'nil() => 'nil() |
% static checking failed
shell returned 1
We should be able to write fns like map. Soln could be to be able to mix linear and non-linear modes.
Replacing map by an iterator??
A,Bₘ ::= 1 | A*B | +{l:Aˡₘ | l∈L} | ↓ᵏₘAₖ (where k≥m)
| A -o B | &{l:Aˡₘ | l∈L} | ↑ᵏᵢAₖ (where k≤i)
shift operators to switch between modes ??
U list but L elements. Nah.. ∵ throw away list => throw away elems, which are linear
L list but U elements ??
mode polymorphism mode inference
lazy, eager
Independence in typing rules:
Γ ⊢ e: Aₘ
Γ ≥ m
Γ≥k Γ ⊢ e: Aₖ
Γ ⊢ <e>: ↓ᵏₘ
where k≥m
and Γ≥m ????
Ability to controlling memory layout
Semi-Axiomatic Sequent Calculus
LNL (Linear and non-linear logic combined) 1995 Benton
Contraction: Can dup a val Weakening: Can drop
Γ,A,A ⊢ C ———– contraction Γ,A⊢C
Proof theory: Read Bottom up Prog: Top down
Γ⊢A ———– dup Γ,C ⊢ A
Positive type => can observe it. ie, can patmat.
Neg type
sequent calculus considering a higher-level, non-flat memory layout
semi axiomatci ∵ half the rules in Gentzen's version is replaced by axioms ??
Futures in FP. can execute in llel, but need to wait if commn is needed ??
cut is like allocation
SSOS: Sub Structural Operational Semantics
cells and processes
Sequential => processes are gone over left to right llel => any ordering
In this semantics, we write to empty cells. But we can mutate ??
proc(cut x P(x); Q(x)) -> proc(P(a)), proc(Q(a)) where a is a newly allocated cell.
cell a □, proc(write a V) -> cell a V
# move b to a
cell a □, cell b V, proc(id a b) -> cell a V
Memory data layout
Δ⊢A Γ,A̲⊢C
------------- snip (positive)
where A is a sub-formula of C.
Then it's not a cut, but what Frank calls a 'snip'.
Δ⊢A̲ Γ,A⊢C
------------- snip (negative)
(context, statics): vars ↦ typesη: Γ
(environment, dynamis): vars ↦ values(let ((default-directory "/tmp"))
(shell-command "ls"))