Formal verification of monadic computations


Success stories:

fscq File system MIT Coq
compcert C compiler
cakeml Compiler for ML subset HOL

Monadic => effectful

What does it mean for two monadic computations to be equivalent?


Cons of large step:

a := n 
   | a + a
   | a - a
   | a * a

b := true | false
   | ¬b
   | b ∧ b 
   | a = a | a ≠ a
   | a ≤ a | a > a

c := skip
   | x := a
   | c ; c
   | if b then c else c end
   | while b do c end
⟦n⟧ = n
⟦a1 + a2⟧ = ⟦a1⟧ + ⟦a2⟧
⟦a1 - a2⟧ = ⟦a1⟧ - ⟦a2⟧
⟦a1 * a2⟧ = ⟦a1⟧ * ⟦a2⟧

⟦true⟧ = true
⟦false⟧ = false
⟦¬b⟧ = ¬⟦b⟧
⟦b1 ∧ b2⟧ = ⟦b1⟧ ∧ ⟦b2⟧
⟦a1 = a2⟧ = ⟦a1⟧ == ⟦a2⟧
⟦a1 ≠ a2⟧ = ¬(⟦a1⟧ == ⟦a2⟧)
⟦a1 ≤ a2⟧ = ⟦a1⟧ <= ⟦a2⟧
⟦a1 > a2⟧ = ⟦a1⟧ > ⟦a2⟧

(* st is state *)
⟦skip⟧(st) = st
⟦x := a⟧(st) = st[x ↦ ⟦a⟧]
⟦c1; c2⟧(st) = ⟦c2⟧(⟦c1⟧(st))
⟦if b then c1 else c2⟧(st) = if ⟦b⟧==true then ⟦c1⟧(st) else ⟦c2⟧(st)
⟦while b do c end⟧(st) = if ⟦b⟧==true then ⟦c;(while b do c end)⟧(st) else st

⟦while⟧ is not well founded.

Operational semantics (big-step, aka natural semantics):

(σ, skip) ⇓ σ

(σ, x:=a) ⇓ σ[x↦v]

(σ1,c1)⇓σ'  (σ',c2)⇓σ2
   (σ1, c1;c2)⇓σ2

  b⇓true          (σ,c1)⇓σ'          b⇓false          (σ,c2)⇓σ'     
------------------------------     ------------------------------     
(σ, if b then c1 else c2) ⇓ σ'     (σ, if b then c1 else c2) ⇓ σ'     

    b⇓false     (σ,c)⇓σ'
  (σ, while b do c end) ⇓ σ'

    b⇓true     (σ,c)⇓σ'   (σ', while b do c end)⇓σ''
          (σ, while b do c end) ⇓ σ''


Think of monad as a generalized let.

Common monads

Monad laws:


Monad laws

m: M A kb: A → M B kc: B → M C

  1. x <- ret a; kb x ≈ kb a
  2. x <- m; ret x ≈ m
  3. x <- (y <- m; kb y); kc x ≈ y <- m; x <- kb y; kc x

(Think of monad being a box and <- as unboxing.)

A bunch of equational theory for the monadic rules which can then be used as rewrite rules to prove semantic equality of two programs.

Looping programs and diversions => itrees. Will see later.

Extensible language

Expression problem: Lack of modularity/extensability.

Inductive expr (opr: Type): Type :=
| Val: nat -> expr opr
| Do (op: opr) (k: nat -> expr opr).
(* k: a continuation accepting nat.
   Assuming that we deal only with nat ops *)

Inductive plus: Type :=
| Add: nat -> nat -> plus.

We could write stuff like:

Do (Add 2 3) (fun n => Val n)
(* 5 *)

Evaluation (naïve version):

Fixpoint eval {opr: Type} (e: expr opr): nat :=
  match e with
  | Val n => n
  | Do op k =>
      match op with
      | Add n1 n2 => eval (k (n1 + n2))

Comment: This means weird syntax, but no gain

Evalution (via a handler):

(* eval_fold *)
Fixpoint evalf {opr: Type} (h: opr -> nat) (e: expr opr): nat :=
  match e with
  | Val n => n
  | Do op k => evalf h (k (h op))

(* Handler for [plus] *)
Definition hplus (op: plus): nat :=
  match op with
  | Add n1 n2 => n1 + n2

Compute evalf hplus (Do (Add 2 3) (fun n => Val n)).
(* 5 *)

Sequential composition:

Fixpoint seq {opr: Type} (e: expr opr) (k: nat -> expr opr): expr opr :=
  match e with
  | Val n => k n
  | Do op h => Do op (fun n => Do op (seq (h n) k))
Notation "x <- e1;; e2 " := (seq e1 (fun x => e2)).

Operations as triggerable events:

Definition trigger {opr: Type} (op: opr): Expr opr :=
  Do op (fun n => Val n).

Example uses:

eval (trigger (Add 2 3))
(* 5 *)

eval (
  x <- trigger (Add 2 3);;
  y <- trigger (Add 4 5);;
  trigger (Add x y)
(* 14 *)

Let's try adding another operation: Subtr.

Inductive subtr: Type :=
| Subtr: nat -> nat -> subtr.

Fixpoint hsubtr (op: subtr): nat :=
  match op with
  | Subtr n1 n2 => n1 - n2

evalf hsubtr (trigger (Subtr 5 3))
(* 2 *)

evalf hsubtr (
  x <- trigger (Subtr 5 3);;
  y <- trigger (Subtr 2 1);;
  trigger (Subtr x y)
(* 1 *)

Multiple operations:

Notation "opr1 +' opr2" := ((opr1 + opr2)%type).

(* Handler for add and sub *)
Definition hsum {opr1 opr2: Type} (h1: opr1 -> nat) (h2: opr2 -> nat)
  (op: opr1 +' opr2): nat :=
  match op with
  | inl op' => h1 op'
  | inr op' => h2 op'

evalf (hsum hadd hsubtr) (
  x <- trigger (inl (Add 2 3));;
  y <- trigger (inr (Subtr x 3));;
  trigger (inl (Add y 1))
(* 3 *)

Note: The Add and inl are duplicate essentially. Typeclasses to help it figure out could come in handy.

Free monads

Generalizing instead of specializing results to nat.

 - E: opr ?? 
 - R: final return type ??
Inductive FFree (E: Type -> Type) (R: Type): Type :=
| Ret: R -> FFree E R
| Do: forall {X: opr},
    E X -> (X -> FFree E R).

E X: E produces an X, which will be fed in to the continuation.

Same as expr from earlier, except for nat being generalized.


Inductive itree
| Ret: R -> itree
| Tau: itree
| Vis {Ans: Type} (event: E Ans) (k: Ans -> itree).

const5 := Ret 5. double := Vis Input (fun n > Ret 2*n). silentloop : Tau silentloop

(* Result from event given to the system is the index Type *)
Inductive IOEvent: Type -> Type :=
| Out: nat -> IOEvent unit
| Inp: IOEvent nat.

CoFixpoint inoutloop :=
  Vis Inp (fun n =>
    Vis Out (fun _ => inoutloop)).
Inductive empty: Type -> Type :=
| Empty: fail void.

Definition fail :=
  Vis empty (fun v => match x with end).
(* subst *)
CoFixpoint subst (x: itree) (k: X -> itree): itree :=
  match x with
  | Ret v => k v
  | Vis ev kk => Vis ev (fun x => subst (kk x) k)
  | Tau t => subst t k


{inty rty: Type} 
iter (t: itree) (k: inty -> itree) (init: inty)

   x <- k init;;
   match x with
   | inl nval => Tau (iter t' k nval)  (* init is like the initial state (like loop exit condition??) nval is the new state *)
   | inr nval => Ret nval
fact (n: nat) :=
  iter (fun n => fact (n-1)


itree E R: promises to deliver a value of type R

irrefutable pattern matching

Equivalence of itrees

Monad laws hold upto strong bisimulation.

Nested coinductive inductive sth


DBT: bimap

Imp deno sem with itrees

DBT: Why variant for MemE?


FA attempt

Desired function: S -> Inp -> (S, Out)

itree E R
| Vis: forall X, E X -> (X -> itree E R)
| Tau: itree E R

