Applications to program equivalence and verification


while a&b do
while a do
  while a&b do

# ---

while a do
  if b then

Uninterpreted simple imperative programs

Book by Manna

Regex over finite alphabet A

e := 0 | 1
   | a ∈ A
   | e;e
   | e+e
   | e*

Deno sem (ie, reglang).

[e]: (2A)* = P(A*)

Denesting rule in regex: (a+b)* = ((a*b)*a*

Equational program refinement question by Kleene??? 1956

Kozen 90s

Kleene's theorem:

Let L be a regular language. Then:

Chomsky hierarchy

Regular set

Syntax of regexp was set up to mimick that of regular sets.

Semantics of regex being 'rational'…

Brzozowski proved L -> DFA correspondence: Brzozowski derivatives

Derivative is with respect to letter. What is the next continuation?

Lₐ = {u | au ∈ L}
δₐ(0) = 0
δₐ(1) = 0
δₐ(c) = if a=c then 1 else 0
δₐ(e1;e2) = δₐ(e1);e2 + E(e1);δₐ(e2)
δₐ(e1+e2) = δₐ(e1) + δₐ(e2)
δₐ(e*) = δₐ(e);e*

This does not yet give a start state. We can pick it ourselves. We can give e itself as the start state.

What is a DFA?

Write down the type to match your intent. Once you get the type right, difficult to go wrong afterwards. Kind of what Brzozowski did.

E: RE -> 2
E(0) = false = E(a)
E(1) = true = E(a*)
E(e1;e2) = E(e1) ∧ E(e2)
E(e1+e2) = E(e1) ∨ E(e2)

E is a test. 2 is again a regex (0 or 1). Cool!

Is this guaranteed to have finite states? Think what happens for (a*)*

e = (a*)* e = (1;a*)(a**) = (0a* + 1a*);a** + (1a*)(a**)

(1a*)(a**) will keep repeating. => infinite number of states.

It doesn't simplify 0a* = 0 or 1a* = a*.

Soln: Look at equiv classes of derivatives.

Method1: Delete repeated term in a plus. If one deletion is found, that's it.

Brzozowski: Take derivative wrt ACI (assoc, comm, idempotency) ACI ould've been obtained for free if we had δₐ(e): RE -> P(RE)

Ie, getting a set of regex and then joining them together.

Thanks to Antimirov. Who apparently showed that RE modulo ACI is same as a 'set approach'.

Antimirov derivatives:

δₐ(0) = 0
δₐ(1) = 0
δₐ(c) = if a=c then 1 else 0
δₐ(e1;e2) = 

δₐ(e1+e2) = δₐ(e1) + δₐ(e2)
δₐ(e*) = δₐ(e);e*

Antimirov gives NFA Remove duplicates and plus them all. Thompson's construction.


We saw how to go from regex to reglang: e → Aₐ

Let's now see the other direction.

Transitions can be thought of as a square matrix S*S -> SA

where A is alphabet

Entries will be allowed letters??? Like Mat[i][j] being a+b ?? No, they are essentially regexes.

Multiplication is Cat

What is Star?

Proof is algebraic. DBT: And relatively recent. State elim method


Order of state elim different => regex diff but equiv

Often, automata for things involving counting is easier to write than their regex.

Kleene's original question: Given two regex, can we show that they are equiv?

Kleene algebra is a structure.


These are the laws of adjoint semi lattice. or wast it joint??

Associativty and 1 for ⋅: monoid

Also a semiring. How??

Unfolding of star can be done on either side:

e* ≡ 1 + e;e* e* ≡ 1 + e*;e

An ordering.

e≤f ↔︎ e+f≡f

(kind of like a subset relation)

aka natural order on a semiring.

e;x + f ≤ x
e*f ≤ x

(replace sth with no star, with sth with a star)

e* = least fixed point of the order ≤ (axiomatized ???)

Saloma conjecture was answered later.


Kleene algebra examples:

Star: Define for 2x2 matrix, then inductive define.

⎡ a  b ⎤*  = 
⎣ c  d ⎦

⎡ (a+bd*c)*    first;bd*⎤
⎣  ....        (d+ca*b)*⎦

This 2x2 matrix can be extended to larger matrix. For example, 3x3.

⎡ _  _ |_ ⎤
⎢ _  _ |_ ⎥
⎣ _  _ |_ ⎦

Kozen 1993

Reglang are the model. Minimum model required to describe a Kleene algebra.

Kozen's proof:

e      ≡       f
↓              ↓
Aₑ             Af
↓              ↓
Aₑ'            Af'
↓              ↓
Mₑ'    ≡       Mf'

Uses matrices. Matrix of regexs like yesterday. Can be proven sound just by using KA axioms

Reasoning about simple imperative progs.

For conditionals, we need to add something more than plain KA. ie, KAT.

The tests are like tests for the current state.

KAT = KA + a boolean algebra

But how to do that?

B ⊆ K

B is a sub-algebra of K The operations got to be the same.

the BA is such that it can use he same operations as the KA

KA with a BA embedded = KAT




where - is complement I guess??

A = {p,q,r,s,t, b0, b1, b2}

Right, we need to add more euqations for KAT (only for things in B)

(yeah, de-Morgan's laws)

DBT: Is 1' = 0 mentioned ??

Remark: BA doesn't use the star operation. It doesn't need * to be a boolean algebra. HW: Any b* is 1.

This doesn't work for languages with effects. Our assumption: Sequential, effect-free progs.

OT: Concurrent KA

if b then p else q ≡ bp + b'q
while b do p ≡ (bp)*b'

Compiler optimizations possible like this.

Next lecture:



x*x* ≡ x*



Semantics of KAT: deno and op

e := 0 | 1
   | p ∈ P
   | e+e
   | e;e
   | e*
   | b ∈ B

b := t ∈ T
   | 0 | 1
   | b ∨ b
   | b ∧ b
   | b'

T = set of primitive tests

Alphabet A is split into disjoint union of T and P

A = T U P

The b-s are like assert b.

After an assert, we know something about the state.

If we have an α like t1⋅t2'⋅…tn where there's a t for each variable, it's a full test or valuation.

Atoms of BA are generated by T ???

Atoms are just subset of the set of tests Think of atoms as states.

Atom = 2T

Action = like program


Take an atom, programs might change it, and we are left with a final state.


BDD: Binary decision diagrams FDD = Forward DD. (essentially BDD with vals)

Damien Pous popl'15

[e]: 2((At.P)*At)

[b] = {α | α ≤ b} [p] = {αpβ | α β ∈ At}

p can transform any α into any β

[e+f] = [e] ∪ [f] [e;f] = [e] ◇ [f]

can't just concat because there are two guards. Last atom of e1 and first atom of e2 should be same So there's a new operator ◇ which checks the compatiblity. If not same, then it's undefined. Abort.

[if b then p else q]

Recall that this is just bp + b'q

[bp]                    U   [b'q]
{α|α≤b}◇{αpβ|α β∈At}
{αpβ|α≤b}               +  {αqβ|α≤b'}

Finite traces

[while b do p]

{β , α₀pβ, α₀pα₁pβ, α₀pα₁pα₂pβ, …} b'

One way of considering infintie traces = 0

[while true do skip] = 0

This view

Hoare triplets

⊢ {b} C {c}


bCc' ≡ 0


bC ≤ Cc
a program C with precndition b has same out as a prog C without any precond that ends at postcondition c.

Let's have a look at the denesting rule.

(x+y)* ≤ (x*y)*x*

1 ≤ x* 1 ≤ (x*y)*


ignore the yx* for now

xx* ≤ x*

Fixpoint and sliding rules

Example from lec1:

while b:
  while c:



if b then
  while b∨c
    if c then

bp((b∨c)_)*(b∨c)' + b'
  (cq + c'p)

bp((b+c)(cq + c'p))*(b+c)' + b'
bp((b+c)(cq + c'p))*b'c' + b'

Can use denesting and sliding rules to show that these two programs are equiv.

netKAT: a special KAT POPL'15/16

Packet forwarding and nodes in a network.

Packets have:

An example netKAT prog:

(sw=2);(type=ssh);  (pt ← 4);(dst←

First part filters packets. If that test passes, packet attrs are modified.

Some simplification rules:



A special action: dup/obs (duplicate, observation)

[|f<-n|](π) = {π[n/f]}

[|f=n|](π) = {∅ if π(f)≠n {π} if π(f)=n}

[|e + e'|](π) = [e](π) ∪ [e'](π)

In netkat, all are complete assignments and complete tests.

α is not just bool, but is from a finite set ??


netkat axioms

f <- n; f <-m ≡ f←

Every field has a value. No field can be left undefined. Set of values is finite.

For a given field f,

  Σ     f = n
n ∈ Val

Two given e equivalence

[e] = [f] ↔︎ e ≡ f

by means of the netKAT axioms.


match-action table

At switch 2, for every line l

sw=2; Σ tₗ;aₗ

— netkat apps

reachability check

Is B reachable from A.

sw=A; top;(switch;top)*; sw=B

If top;(switch;top)* is 0, not reachable.

Quite efficient too.

Another netkat app: Forwarding loop

Does a packet keep coming back to the same switch?

Temporal NetKAT @ Princeton