Based on:
Transforms inputs to outputs.
Rules to produce output from input.
Process of applying the rules specified by the program.
We got to start from somewhere => built-in functions.
Use these built-in stuff to build more complex stuff.
Basic operation is function composition.
In these examples, assume that inputs are whole numbers.
Example: Applying same function twice
succ n = n + 1
= succ (succ n) plusTwo n
Example: Composing with two different functions
= succ (plusTwo n) plusThree n
An inductive/recursive function definition.
0 = n
plus n = succ (plus n m-1) plus n m
0 = 0
mult n = plus n (mult n m-1) mult n m
Haskell is strongly typed.
A type is just a set of permissible values.
The real successor function mean the next whole number.
succ 2.6
is 3
succ 2.3
is 3
succ 2
is 3
Representation of integers and real numbers are different in computers. So we use different data types.
Any function that we define in Haskell must have a well defined type.
The constructor names of haskell algebraic data types must start with
an upper case letter. Otherwise, you'll be an error saying:
Not a data constructor
A function that accepts input of type A
and outputs a
value of type B
has type A → B
f: S → T
: Identity function> id 3
> id "Hello"
Essentially a programming language for describing functions.
A function description consists of two parts:
The ::
indicates that it is a type definition.
sqr :: Int -> Int -- Type definition
= n * n -- Computation rule sqr n
Convention: All type names start with a capital letter.
): real numbersChar
): True
Boolean operators
: a function that takes a single argumentRelational operators
(not equal to)<
xor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
= (a && (not b)) ||
xor a b not a) && b) -- Only Boolean expressions are involved here. ((
Check if three integers are in ascending order.
inorder :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
= (x <= y) && (y <= z) inorder x y z
Let's rewrite our xor function example with pattern matching.
xor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
True False = True
xor False True = True
xor = False xor a b
The definition with the first matching pattern would be used. Top to bottom.
If argument in function definition is:
or :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
or True x = True
or x True = True
or x y = False
and :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and True b = b
and False b = False
We could also write the above 'and' function definition using wild cards.
A special notation.
Essentially don't cares.
The value is not captured.
and :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and True b = b
and False _ = False
Similarly for the 'or' function,
or :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
or True _ = True
or _ True = True
or _ _ = False
A function for factorial
fact :: Int -> Int
0 = 1
fact = n * (fact (n - 1)) -- Note the usage of parenthesis here.
fact n -- Because fact n - 1 would have been read as
-- (fact n) - 1, resulting in infinite recursion.
But here the computation will not terminate if argument is a negative integer.
We can fix this using conditional definitions.
fact :: Int -> Int
fact :: Int -> Int
0 = 1 -- this is pattern match
fact n| n < 0 = fact (-n) -- just to make this more complete
| n >= 0 = n * (fact (n - 1))
(Here, there are 'two' definitions.
The vertical bar signifies options aka guards.
'Guarded' by a conditional expressions.
Guards are tested from top to bottom.
Indentation matters here.
Guards can overlap
Since they are evaluated from top to bottom.
fact :: Int -> Int
fact n| n < 0 = fact (-n) -- just to make this more complete
| n > 1 = n * (fact (n - 1))
| n >= 0 = 1
But guards need not cover all cases. In such a case, we may get pattern match failure errors.
to cover remaining cases
fact :: Int -> Int
fact n| n == 0 = 1
| n > 0 = n * (fact (n-1))
| otherwise = (fact (-n))
Colon (:
) commands like :load
internal actions of ghci. Other commands are Haskell.
Number of arguments that the function accepts.
gcd :: Int -> Int -> Int
gcd a 0 = a
gcd a b
| a >= b = gcd b (mod a b)
| otherwise = gcd b a -- call it in the right order
Other than the number itself.
largestdiv :: Int -> Int
= divsearch n (n-1)
largestdiv n
-- auxiliary function
divsearch :: Int -> Int -> Int
divsearch m n| (mod m i) == 0 = i
| otherwise = divsearch m (i-1)
Here we used an auxiliary function.
log :: Int -> Int -> Fractional
log k n = multsearch k n 0
multsearch :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Fractional
multsearch k n i| k ** i == n = i
| otherwise = multsearch k n (i+1)
-- logk n = y mean k^y = n
log :: Int -> Int -> Fractional
log k n = divsearch k n 0
divsearch :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Fractional
divsearch k n| n / k == 1 = k
-- intlog
intlog :: Int -> Int -> Int
1 = 0
intlog k
intlog k n| n >= k = 1 + intlog k (div n k)
| otherwise = 0
-- intlog
intlog :: Int -> Int -> Int
1 = 0
intlog k
intlog k n| n >= k = 1 + intlog k (div n k)
| otherwise = 0
-- myversion. Probably missed something.
intreverse :: Int -> Int
intreverse n| n > 0 = (mod n 10) * (10 ^ (intlog 10 n)) + intreverse (div n 10)
| otherwise = 0
-- Madhav sir's version
intlog :: Int -> Int -> Int
1 = 0
intlog k
intlog k n| n >= k = 1 + intlog k (div n k)
| otherwise = 0
power :: Int -> Int -> Int
0 = 1
power n = n * (power n (k-1))
power n k
intreverse :: Int -> Int
intreverse n| n < 10 = n
| otherwise = (intreverse (div n 10)) +
mod n 10) * (power 10 (intlog 10 n)) (
The main data structure that Haskell uses to 'store' or collect values. All elements of a list have the same type.
1,2,3,11] :: [Int]
[True,False,True] :: [Bool] [
The type []
denotes empty list, no type name there.
is right associative.
head (x:xs) -- x
tail (x:xs) -- xs
head :: [a] -> a
tail :: [a] -> [a]
Both head
and tail
are undefined when the
argument is an empty list.
Induction helps.
Example: Find length of a list
listLength :: [a] -> Int
= 0
listLength [] = 1 + listLength (tail x) listLength x
Or with
listLength :: [a] -> Int
= 0
listLength [] :xs) = 1 + listLength xs listLength (x
We need the parenthesis in listLength (x:xs)
as function
application (:
here) has a higher precedence.
Example: Sum of values in a list
mySum :: [Int] -> Int
= 0
mySum [] :xs) = x + mySum xs mySum (x
function j times.:
function to build them up.With step value
'Lead by example'. :-)
1,3,..8] -- [1,3,5,7]
[8.2,8.1..7.8] -- [8.2,8.1,8.0,7.9,7.800000000000001]
[5,3..(-1)] -- [5,3,1,-1]. Note the need for parenthesis here or haskell
[-- will complain saying it doesn't know a variable
-- named '..-'.
Example: Append an element to the right of a list
appendr :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
= [x]
appendr x [] :ys) = y : (appendr x ys) appendr x (y
Example: Merge two lists
mrge :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
= l
mrge [] l :xs) l = x:(mrge xs l) mrge (x
Via the ++
1,2] ++ [3,4] -- [1,2,3,4] [
I guess ++
would implemented as something like
applists :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
= y
applists [] y :xs) y = x : (applists xs y)
applists (x3] f [] [
Example: Reverse a list
revlist :: [a] -> [a]
= []
revlist [] :xs) = (revlist xs) ++ [x] revlist (x
Example: Check if an integer list is sorted in ascending order
ascending :: [Int] -> Bool
= True
ascending [] = True
ascending [x] :y:ys) = (x <= y) && ascending (y:ys) ascending (x
Example: Check if an integer list is alternatively increase and decrease
My attempt (works only when the list starts uphill):
alternating :: [Int] -> Bool
= helper x True
alternating x
helper :: [Int] -> Bool -> Bool
= True
helper [] up = True
helper [x] up :y:ys) up = ((up && x<y) || (not up && x>y)) && (helper (y:ys) (not up)) helper (x
As in lecture (a mutually recursive version):
alternating :: [Int] -> Bool
= (downup l) || (updown l)
alternating l
downup :: [Int] -> Bool
= True
downup [] = True
downup [x] :y:ys) = (x < y) && (updown (y:ys))
downup (x
updown :: [Int] -> Bool
= True
updown [] = True
updown [x] :y:ys) = (x > y) && (downup (y:ys)) updown (x
Returns all except the last element.
last :: [a] -> [a]
init [1,2,3] -- [1,2]
Returns the last element.
last :: [a] -> a
last [1,2,3] -- 1
take :: Int [a] -> [a]
take 3 [1,2,3,4,5] -- [1,2,3]
Splits the list at position (not index) n and takes the first part.
drop :: Int [a] -> [a]
drop 3 [1,2,3,4,5] -- [4,5]
Splits the list at position (not index) n and drops the first part.
This means that for any list lst,
= (take n lst) ++ (drop n lst) lst
Other functions
Example: a custom take function
mytake :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
= []
mytake _ [] :xs)
mytake n (x| n == 0 = []
| n > 0 = x : (mytake (n-1) xs)
| otherwise = []
Example: a custom drop function
mydrop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
= []
mydrop _ [] :xs)
mydrop n (x| n <= 0 = x:xs
| otherwise = mydrop (n-1) xs
and chr
import Data.Char
capitalize :: Char -> Char
capitalize ch| ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') =
chr (ord ch - ((ord 'a') - (ord 'A')))
| otherwise = ch
My attempt (seems to work):
occurs :: Char -> String -> Bool
"" = False
occurs _ :xs) = (ch == x) || (occurs ch xs) occurs ch (x
Function in lecture:
occurs :: Char -> String -> Bool
"" = False
occurs _ :xs)
occurs ch (x| ch == x = True
| otherwise = occurs ch xs
import Data.Char
toupper :: String -> String
"" = ""
toupper :xs) = (capitalize x) : (toupper xs)
toupper (x
capitalize :: Char -> Char
capitalize ch| (ch>='a' && ch<='z') = chr ((ord ch) - ((ord 'a') - (ord 'A')))
| otherwise = ch
My attempt (seems to work):
-- Indexing starts from 0
find :: Char -> String -> Int
= helper ch str 0
find ch str
helper :: Char -> String -> Int -> Int
"" _ = -1
helper _ :xs) idx
helper ch (x| x == ch = idx
| otherwise = helper ch xs (idx+1)
Version in lecture:
find :: Char -> String -> Int
"" = -1
find _ :xs)
find ch (x| ch == x = 0
| otherwise = 1 + (find ch xs)
My attempt (seems to work but considers only spaces):
countwords :: String -> Int
"" = 0
countwords :xs)
countwords (x| xs == [] = 1
| x == ' ' = 1 + (countwords xs)
| otherwise = countwords xs
Lecture version:
countwords :: String -> Int
whitespace :: Char -> Bool
whitespace x| x == ' ' = True
| x == '\t' = True
| x == '\n' = True
| otherwise = False
Collection of values of different types.
3, -12) :: (Int, Int)
13, True, 42) :: (Int, Bool, Int)
1,2], 7) :: ([Int], Int) ([
expressionsAllows us to do pattern matching even when not inside a function.
case <scrutinee-expr> of
-> value1
choice1 -> value2
choice2 ...
-> valuen choicen
A kind is a type of types.
The 'basic' kind (ie, monotypes) is star written as
, Integer
, etc have kind
is of kind
* -> *
.Fun fact: We can use :k
or :kind
in ghci to
get the kind of a type.
> :k Maybe
λMaybe :: * -> *
> :k Monad
λMonad :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
-- What is 'Constraint'?
Reference: link
Type classes are used when we find a common functionality that is repeated across multiple types.
Reference: CIS194 course, UPENN
For example, in
(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
the part to the left of the =>
are type
constraints (the one to its right is, of course, the type).
Also checkout: l8
A type class definition consists of a set of functions with just their types. ie, without a definition.
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
Then we can make an instance of this type class
instance Eq Integer
function.<$> :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
is just the infix version of
f <$> x
≡ fmap f x
on functionsReference:,_applicatives,_and_monads_in_pictures.html
instance Functor ((->) a) where
fmap f g = f . g
ie, fmap
on functions is just function composition.
> let foo = fmap (+3) (+2)
λ> foo 3
-- which is same as
> ((+3) <$> (+2)) 3
Reference: l3
fmap id = id
fmap (f . g) = (fmap f) . (fmap g)
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x)
fmap _ Nothing = Nothing
Haskell lists
instance Functor [] where
fmap = map
Binary tree
data Tree a = EmptyTree
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
instance Functor Tree where
fmap f EmptyTree = EmptyTree
fmap f (Node x left right) = Node (f x) (fmap f left) (fmap f right)
An 'either' type
data Either a b = Left a
| Right b deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- '(Either a)' is used after 'Functor' as only one argument allowed here.
instance Functor (Either a) where
fmap f (Right x) = Right (f x)
fmap f (Left x) = Left x -- not applied here.
-- Here, 'f' is of type (b -> c) as 'a' is already used.
-- So 'f' can be used only with 'Right' as 'b' in 'Either a b' corresponds to 'Right'.
-- And 'f' cannot be applied on 'Left x' as 'x' is of type 'a'.
Notice that in the above example f
would effectively be
of the type (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c
(which is same as
(b -> c) -> (Either a) b -> (Either a) c
needs a type which can take just one type as
parameter. But Either
takes two (a
). So we sort of keep a
constant and make
the parameter type.
This means that f
can act only on values associated with
type b
, which in turn means Right b
not Left a
. Hence f
is not applied on
the Left
: takes something and wraps it up in applicative
: extracts a function (the 1st arg) out of the
context and applies it on 2nd arg
<*> :: Applicative f :; f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
class (Functor f) => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
<*> :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Some samples:
> Just (+4) <*> Just 2
λJust 6
> (*) <$> Just 3
λJust (*3)
> Just (*3) <*> Just 4
λJust 12
-- liftA2 function from Control.Applicative does the same thing
> import Control.Applicative
λ> liftA2 (*) (Just 3) (Just 4)
λJust 12
Reference: l2
<-- - ~pure f <*> x~ ≡ ~fmap f x~-->
pure id <*> v = v
pure f <*> pure x ≡ pure (f x)
u <*> pure y ≡ pure ($ y) <*> u
pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w ≡ u <*> (v <*> w)
instance Applicative Maybe where
pure = Just -- same as: pure x = Just x
Nothing <*> _ = Nothing -- cannot extract a function out of 'Nothing'
Just f) <*> something = fmap f something (
instance Applicative [] where
pure x = [x]
<*> x = fmap f x????????????? f
Monad ⊂ Applicatives ⊂ Functors
= Monad
is yet another type class (like
and Applicative
class Monad m where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
instance Monad Maybe where
>>=) (Just x) f = f x
(>>=) Nothing _ = Nothing (
Some samples:
> half x = if x >= 0 then Just (x `div` 2)
λ> else Nothing
λ> Just 100 >>= half
λJust 50
> Just 100 >>= half >>= half
λJust 25
Haskell doesn't give a way to pull the value out of an IO monad.
getInt :: IO int
can't get the int part out.
getInt :: IO int
print :: int -> IO ()
>>= print getInt
as something like an
Capitalize input
import Data.Char
getContents :: String -> IO String
toUpper :: Char -> Char
capitalize :: String -> String
= map toUpper
main :: IO ()
= (capitalize <$> getContents) >>= putStr
-- Lesson: You don't take value out of the IO monad. We use bind
-- for that.
Reading 2 ints and finding sum
>>= \x -> (getInt >>= \y -> print (x + y))
-- or use do notation and make it look more readable
-- indentation matters here
do x <- getInt
<- getInt
y print $ x+y
-- or if you don't like indentation
do { x <- getInt;
<- getInt;
y print $ x+y
Read n ints and find sum
do n <- getInt
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
data Expr = Const Int
| Plus Expr Expr
| Mult Expr Expr
| Div Expr Expr
eval :: Expr -> Maybe Double
-- one version (INCOMPLETE)
Const x) = Just x
eval (Plus x y) = case eval x
eval (Nothing => Nothing
Just xx => case eval y
Nothing -> Nothing
Just yy -> xx + yy
-- another version (INCOMPLETE)
Const x) = Just x
eval (Plus x y) = (>>=) eval x <*> \x1
eval (
-- another version with do notation
-- No need to explicitly worry about the Nothing case!
-- Feels natural.
Const x) = Just x
eval (Plus x y) = do xx <- eval x
eval (<- eval y
yy pure (xx + yy)
-- yet another way (INCOMPLETE)
instance Monad Maybe where
>>=) (Just x) fmaybe = fmaybe x
(>>=) Nothing fmaybe = Nothing (
IO monad
(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
Can't give definition for this as IO
is effectively a
-- a standalone haskell program
-- getContents :: IO string
main :: IO ()
= do inp <- getContents main
Parser combinator??
data Result a = OK a String
| Error String
newtype Parser a = Parser {runParser :: String -> Result a}
instance Functor Result where
fmap f (OK a s) = OK (f a) s
fmap _ (Error s) = Error s
instance Applicative Parser where
instance Monad Parser where
TODO: Look at parsec (Wikipedia), megaparsec, attoparsec (parser combinator libraries? for haskell)
monadThree functions:
getLine >>= readFile >>= putStrLn
can be used to accept a file name, read that file and print its contents.
(then)(>>) :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
except that state is not carried
overA do notation that doesn't use <-
is desugared using
instead of >>=
is same as:
action1 >> action2 >> action3
Prelude> [1,2] >> [3,4]
Looks like for each element in [1,2]
, the
is done.
-- State is a predefined type
-- state
-- |
get :: State s s
-- |
-- rv
put :: State s ()
-- Get both final state and final result
runState :: s -> State s a -> (a, s)
-- Get just final result
evalState :: s -> State s a -> a
-- Get just final state
execState :: s -> State s a -> s
A kind is type of a type.
Can be seen in ghci with :k
> ("hi"++) "hello"
> (++"hi") "hello" λ
Takes a function taking two arguments along with those two arguments and reverses the order of arguments before passing them to the function.
-- flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
> flip (-) 3 2
vs data
Difference is that types defined with newtype
would be
'erased' at compile time.
data IntPair = IPair Int Int
IPair 3 2
would be like ⁶
/ \
3 2
-- Constructor for a 'newtype' can have only one field.
-- So a tuple is used instead.
newtype IntPair = IPair (Int, Int)
would be something like
( , ) /\
/ \
3 2
as if the IPair
part never existed.
newtype |
data |
Erased at compile-time | Remains after compilation |
Faster. Less overhead | Slower. More overhead |
Only single constructor | No limit on constructor count |
Strict / eager evaluation | Lazy evaluation |
An example of the eager evaluation of newtype
'constructors' and lazy evaluation of data
constructors ⁷:
data DUndef = Dundef Int
deriving Show
newtype NUndef = Nundef Int
and doing Dundef undefined
will cause exception. But
doing Nundef undefined
won't. Because the evaluation is
done eagerly in the case of DUndef
values but lazily on
> Dundef undefined
λDundef *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:79:14 in base:GHC.Err
undefined, called at <interactive>:5:8 in interactive:Ghci2
> a=Nundef undefined λ
For example, Maybe
is not a proper type of its own, but
is rather a type constructor.
We got to apply Maybe
to a proper type to get another
proper type out of it. Like Maybe Bool
These seem to be the kind of constructors that we commonly refer to when we just say 'constructors'.
For example, Nothing
and Just
are data
constructors of Maybe
Reference: CIS194
data T a where
D1 :: Int -> T String
D2 :: T Bool
D3 :: (a,a) -> T [a]
ie, you can sort of specify the type family to which individual constructors belong. Kinda like in Coq.
> :t max
λmax :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
> max 3 4
> max <$> Just 3
λ> -- Just (max 3)
λ> -- of type Maybe (Int -> Int)
> max <$> Just 3 <*> Just 4
λ> -- ie, (max <$> Just 3) <*> Just 4
λJust 4
data CMaybe a = CJust a
| CNothing
deriving Show
instance Functor CMaybe where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> CMaybe a -> CMaybe b
fmap f (CJust x) = CJust (f x)
fmap _ CNothing = CNothing
-- λ> (+5) <$> CJust 3
-- CJust 8
instance Applicative CMaybe where
-- pure :: a -> CMaybe a
pure x = CJust x
-- (<*>) :: CMaybe (a -> b) -> CMaybe a -> CMaybe b
<*>) (CJust f) (CJust x) = CJust (f x)
(<*>) (CJust f) CNothing = CNothing
(<*>) CNothing _ = CNothing
-- λ> max <$> CJust 3 <*> CJust 4
-- CJust 4
instance Monad CMaybe where
-- (>>=) :: CMaybe a -> (a -> CMaybe b) -> CMaybe b
>>=) (CJust x) f = f x
(>>=) CNothing _ = CNothing
-- Correct type: testfn :: (Show a) => a -> CMaybe a -- ✓
-- Wrong type: testfn :: Int -> CMaybe String -- ✗
= CJust (show x)
testfn x
λ> tesfn 3
CJust "3"
λ> tesfn 3.14
CJust "3.14"
λ> tesfn "pi"
CJust "\"pi\""
λ> CJust 3 >>= testfn
CJust "3"
λ> CNothing >>= testfn
Consider the binary tree data type given by
data Tree a = Empty
| Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
Similar to the ZipList
instance give an
instance for binary trees where the
tf (<*>) tx
applies the functions at each node in the
tree tf : Tree (a -> b)
to the corresponding node in the
tree tx : Tree a
(shown pictorially below).
f₁ x₁ f₁x₁
/ \ <*> / \ = / \
f₂ f₃ x₂ x₃ f₂x₂ f₃x₃
data Tree a = Empty
| Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving Show
instance Functor Tree where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
fmap f (Node left val right) = Node (fmap f left) (f val) (fmap f right)
fmap _ Empty = Empty
instance Applicative Tree where
-- pure :: a -> Tree a
pure x = Node Empty x Empty
-- <*> :: Tree (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
-- ie, a tree where each leaf node is a function from a to b
<*>) (Node fleft f fright) (Node left val right) = Node (fleft <*> left) (f val) (fright <*> right)
(<*>) Empty _ = Empty
(<*>) _ Empty = Empty
instance Monad Tree where
-- (>>=) :: Tree a -> (a -> Tree b) -> Tree b
>>=) (Node left val right) f = Node (left >>= f) (f val) (right >>= f)
(>>=) Empty _ = Empty
= Node Empty (+) Empty
ftree = Node Empty 3 Empty
tree1 = Node Empty 5 Empty
tree2 = Node (Node Empty 5 Empty) 6 Empty
λ> (+3) <$> tree1
Node Empty 6 Empty
λ> (+) <$> tree1 <*> tree2
Node Empty 8 Empty
λ> ftree <*> tree1 <*> tree2
Node Empty 8 Empty
λ> ftree <*> tree1 <*> tree3
Node Empty 9 Empty
data LTree a = Leaf a
| Node (LTree a) (Ltree a)
deriving Show
instance Functor LTree where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
fmap f (Node left right) = Node (f <$> left) (f <$> right)
fmap f (Leaf x) = f x
instance Applicative LTree where
-- pure :: a -> LTree a
pure x = Leaf x
-- <*> :: LTree (a -> b) -> LTree a -> LTree b
<*>) (Node fleft fright) (Node left right) = Node (fleft <*> left) (fright <*> right)
(<*>) (Leaf fx) (Leaf x) = fx x
(<*>) _ Empty = Empty
(<*>) Empty _ = Empty
instance Monad LTree where
-- (>>=) :: LTree a -> (a -> LTree b) -> LTree b
>>=) (Node left right) f = Node (left >>= f) (right >>= f)
(>>=) (Leaf x) f = Leaf (f x)
-- tree1 = Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 4 (Node Empty 5 Empty)
data Result err ok = Error err
| Okay ok
instance Functor (Result err) where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Result err a -> Result err b
fmap f (Error e) = Error e
fmap f (Okay x) = Okay (f x)
instance Applicative (Result err) where
-- pure :: a -> Result err a
pure (Error e) = Error e
pure (Okay e) = Error e
-- Magic of laziness! :)
-- | Not! Eratosthenes sieve.
sieve :: [Int] -> [Int]
= []
sieve [] :ns) = n : (sieve $ filter (\x -> mod x n /= 0) ns)
sieve (n-- λ> sieve [2,3..50]
-- [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47
-- | Find nth prime number
primes :: Int -- ^ n
-> Int -- ^ nth prime number
= (sieve [2..]) !! n
primes n -- λ> primes 8
-- 23
-- | Find first n prime numbers
firstnprimes :: Int -- ^ n
-> [Int] -- ^ list of first n prime numbers
= take n $ sieve [2..]
firstnprimes n -- λ> firstnprimes 10
-- [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29]
: Take a list of strings and make a single space
separated string.
> unwords ["hello", "world"]
λ"hello world"
{-# .... #-}
: Module attributes
Verbatim: @<text>@
Linkable code reference: 'var_name'
has kind
(* -> *) -> Constraint
. What is