Based on some informal notes by Robert Harper.
Instances are constants of the type.
Instances are built from value constructors.
(true, ()) : bool * unit
which is same as
1 :: 2 :: 3
{name="Jack Doe", age=34} : {age:int, name:string}
Since accessing a specific element out of a record is an often used operation, we have a notation to do that.
The syntax is like ::
val <ident> = #<field> <record>
is the field being
is the record (or
identifier for the
variable being setThis is essentially same as ::
val {<field>=<ident>, ...} = <record>
val r = {name="Jack", age=34}
val fname = #name r
fname = "Jack" : string
Recall that the following yielded the same result:
val r = {name="Jack", age=34}
val {name=fname, age=num} = r
And since tuples are just a special kind of records, this notation can be used to 'index' the elements of a tuple.
In this case, the 'indexing' starts from (1
and not
val t = ("one", 2, true)
val first = #1 t
val second = #2 t
val third = #3 t
val first = "one" : string
val second = 2 : int
val third = true : bool
Trying to access out of bounds of the record/tuple would give error though.
α -> τ
admits equality
iff both α
and τ
admits equalityValue identifiers: Another name for variables in sml.
(* Value binding *)
val pi = 3.14 (* 3.14 : real *)
Variables in sml are not mere assignments.
Once an identifier is bound to a value, the value cannot be changed. Though the identifier may be rebound to another value.
val x = 1
val y = x
val x = 2
(* Even if value of [x] changed, [y] is still [1] *)
Separate with an and
val x = 10 and y = 20 and z = 30;
Notice this, though:
val x = 1
val x = true and y = x
(* Value of [y] is [1]! Not [true].
Because that's the context at the time.
[x] was not yet changed when y is defined as they are in the same line.
Because the bindings made with the and
are evaluated
parallelly. The RHS of all expressions (like true
in the above example) are evaluated first and then the
resultant values are bound to the variables at once.
An environment is maintained which keeps track of the meaning of all the identifiers.
Semicolons can be used to create variables one by one (sequentially,
instead of doing the same parallelly with and
val x = 3; val x = true and z = 5
val x = 3 : int
val x = true : bool
val z = 5 : int
Useful to assist in the creation of other variables.
val x = 2
val y = x div x
val z = x*y + 3*x
val y = 1 : int
val z = 8 : int
Here, x
is available only during the time of binding of
value to the variables y
and z
. ie,
is local to the binding of y
Similarly, we can use let
to make a variable that will
be kept local to an expression.
val x = 10
2*x + 1
x*x + end;
121 : int
The part between the in
and end
evaluated by the environment augmented by the declarations occurring
between let
and in
< | <= | > | >= | = | <> |
+ | / | ||||
sin | sqrt | exp | div | mod | real |
floor | size | ^ | |||
Operand1 | Operator | Operand2 | Result |
"hello " | ^ | "world" | "hello world" |
34 | = | 34 | true |
22 | = | 22.0 | Error |
Operator | Operand | Result |
size | "hello" | 5 |
real | 3 | 3.0 : real |
floor | 3.14 | 3 : int |
ceil | 3.14 | 4 : int |
Operand1 | Operator | Operand2 | Result |
false | andalso | true | false |
true | andalso | false | false |
true | andalso | true | true |
false | andalso | false | false |
false | oralso | true | false |
true | oralso | false | false |
true | oralso | true | true |
false | oralso | false | false |
Comments may be nested.
used to match something that may then be ignored.
val x = (12, true)
(12, true) : int * bool
val (left, right) = x (* Pattern! *)
left = 12 : int
right = true : bool
(* ** Wildcard pattern *)
val hd::_ = [1,2,3,4];
(* hd = 1 : int *)
(* ** Pattern matching on records *)
val r = {name="Jack", age=34}
val {name=fname, age=num} = r
(* ** Patten matching partially on a record *)
val r = {name="Jack", age=34}
val {name=fname, ...} = r (* Use only [name] *)
fname = "Jack" : string
Useful for building complex patterns.
val x = (("left", "mid"), "right")
val (l as (left, mid), right) = x
l = ("left","mid") : string * string (* two birds with one stone! *)
"left" : string
left = "mid" : string
mid = "right" : string
right = *)
Multiple arguments are passed using tuples.
Functions are also values.
Can't do pattern matching on functions.
We can't check equality of two functions (Is an undecidable problem).
Clausal function definitions :: Function definition with a clause for every constructor of argument.
Higher-order functions :: Functions that take other functions as arguments.
Type of function can be dependent on the arguments.
fun append ([], y) = y
| append (x::xs, y) = x :: append (xs, y)(* append = fn : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list *)
1,2], [3,4])
append ([(* [1,2,3,4] : int list *)
1.1,2.2], [3.3,4.4]);
append ([(* [1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4] : real list *)
"We're", "having"], ["some", "good", "weather"]);
append ([(* ["We're"," having","some","good","weather"] : string list *)
true, false], [false, true]);
append ([(* [true,false,false,true] : bool list *)
In the above example, the function append
can operate on
arguments of different types because it is polymorphic.
Because the body of append
makes no assumption that is
specific to a particular with regard to its arguments.
is used to define functions.
introduces function bindings.Some examples:
fun twice x = 2 * x (* twice = fn : int -> int *)
10 (* 20 : int *)
fun fact x = if x > 0 then x * (fact (x-1)) else 1
(* fact = fn : int -> int *)
5 (* 120 : int *)
fun plus (x, y) = x + y (* plus = fn : int -> int -> int *)
3, 2) (* 5 : int *)
(* nil is same as [] *)
fun is_nil (nil) = true
| is_nil (_ :: _) = (* is_nil = fn : 'a list -> bool *)
(* true *)
is_nil [] 1, 2] (* false *)
is_nil [
fun reverse (x::xs) = (reverse xs) :: [x]
| reverse [] = []
fun is_perfect x =
fun is_factor (n, f) = if (n mod f = 0) then true else false
Consider a function fun plus (x, y) : int = x + y
The : int
part is a type constraint.
Its purpose here is to say that only int
addition is
allowed and that real
got to stay away.
(Although this seems to be what is inferred by sml in the case of this example by default. Even when the type constraint was absent here.)
(* Can handle only integers *)
fun plus (x, y) : int = x + y (* Same as [plus (x, y) = x + y] *)
(* fn : int * int -> int *)
3, 4)
plus ((* 7 : int *)
3.1, 4.2)
plus ((*
Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch]
operator domain: int * int
operand: real * real
in expression:
plus (3.1, 4.2)
(* Can handle only real numbers *)
fun plusReal (x, y) : real = x + y
(* fn : real * real -> real *)
3.1, 4.2)
plusReal ((* 7.3 : real *)
3, 4)
plusReal ((*
Error: operator and operand don't agree [overload conflict]
operator domain: real * real
operand: [int ty] * [int ty]
in expression:
plusReal (3,4)
α -> τ
is the domain typeτ
is the range typefn
keyword.val x = fn x => x + 1
x = fn : int -> int
x (*
6 : int
type consists of one value: ()
statement: else
clause is mandatory and
may not be omitted.
and e2
if e then e1 else e2
must be of the same
: Negative values are denoted using ~
instead of -
: Floating point numbers in sml+
and -
can be applied only
to operands of same type. Mix and match not allowed.
3 + 4
✓3.14 + 5
(can use /
instead) and
not defined for real
. Like
'a list
σ * τ
is same as the record type
{1: α, 2: τ}
where the field names are just numbers
starting from 1.{5,6}
is effectively same as
{1: 5, 2: 6}
: 'a option
: fn : 'a -> 'a option
Three forms of type bindings.
Essentially just giving another name for a (usually complex) type.
Can be used to abbreviate a complex type expression, leading to improved readability.
type intpair = int * int
(* There is no difference between [int * int] and [intpair] *)
fun f(x:intpair) = let
val (l, r) = x
type 'a pair = 'a * 'a
type boolpair = bool pair
Uses the datatype
Give a name, some type parameters (optional) and a set of constructors. To extend the type system of ML.
A datatype
declaration creates a new type constructor
and a set of value constructors for that type.
(* Create a new type [color] with the 3 constructors *)
datatype color = Red | Green | Blue
fun isRed Red = true
| isRed _ =
(* Another example *)
datatype dinero = broke (* no money *)
of int (* denomination *)
| coin of int (* denomination *)
| note of string * int (* bank name, amount *)
| check
fun totalCoins (broke) = 0
| totalCoins (coin(count)) = count100
| totalCoins (note(count)) = count *
| totalCoins (check(bank, count)) = count
(* val totalCoins = fn : dinero -> int *)
totalCoins(broke);(* val it = 0 : int *)
totalCoins(coin((* val it = 100 : int *)
totalCoins(note((* val it = 10000 : int *)
Data types can be recursive. As in the case of a binary tree.
datatype btree = empty
| leaf of btree * btree
| node
fun btreeLen (empty) = 0
| btreeLen (leaf) = | btreeLen (lchild, rchild) = btreeLen lchild + btreeLen rchild
Here's a parametric datatype:
(* Typed binary tree *)
datatype 'a tbtree = empty
of 'a
| leaf of 'a btree * 'a btree | node
Uses the abstype
A data type with a set of functions defined on it.
Constructors of the implementation type are hidden from the client programs. Only the interface is visible to the clients. This allows the programmer to change the implementation details without affecting the way the clients use it.
Client is insulated from the implementation details.
Only the functions in the interface have access to the implementation details.
(* The interface comes between the [with] and the last [end] *)
abstype color = blend of int * int * int
with val white = blend (255, 255, 255)
and red = blend (255, 0, 0)
and green = blend (0, 255, 0)
and blue = blend (0, 0, 255)
fun mix(parts: int, blend(r,g,b),
int, blend(r',g',b')) =
parts': if parts<0 orelse parts'<0 then white
else let val t = parts + parts'
and rr = (parts*r + parts'*r') div t
and gg = (parts*g + parts'*g') div t
and bb = (parts*b + parts'*b') div t
in blend(rr, gg, bb)
(* Okay, smlnj gives error for this example. But I guess we can get the idea. *)
Description | Code |
Create reference cell | ref |
Get val of a ref cell | !var |
Modify value | var := newval |
> ref
'a -> 'a ref
> !
'a ref -> 'a
> op :=
'a ref * 'a -> unit
Sequential composition of statements in sml, as in
exp1; exp2
is syntactic sugar for
val _ = exp1
Note: Functions of type typ -> unit
are also known as
procedures as they are executed purely for their effects. Their
return value is not used.
A large program organized as relatively independent smaller modules with well-defined interfaces ⇒ easier maintenance
ML: structure (stands for environment structure) (Non-ML languages: Modules/packages/clusters)
Because an environment gives meanings to all the identifiers.
When a variable is declared like val x = 3
, the
environment remembers that now there is an identifier x
whose value is 3
of type int
are opaque, :
are transparently
ascribed.functor : structure → structure
sml can be translated into a minimal subset known as mini-ML.
mini-ML doesn't have the following:
smlnj's continuation type:
- open SMLofNJ.Cont;
opening SMLofNJ.Cont
type 'a cont = 'a ?.cont
val callcc : ('a cont -> 'a) -> 'a
val throw : 'a cont -> 'a -> 'b
val isolate : ('a -> unit) -> 'a cont
type 'a control_cont = 'a ?.InlineT.control_cont
val capture : ('a control_cont -> 'a) -> 'a
val escape : 'a control_cont -> 'a -> 'b
Makes every aspect of data and control flow explicit.[1]
Control.Print.printDepth := 20
It's =
, not ==
- val it = false : bool
It's like indexing in sml.
1 (1,2,3);
#val it = 1 : int
0 (1,2,3);
- #115.2-115.5 Error: syntax error: deleting INT0 LPAREN
stdIn:115.6-115.9 Error: syntax error: deleting COMMA INT COMMA
stdIn:2 (1,2,3);
- #val it = 2 : int
4 (1,2,3);
- #116.1-116.11 Error: operator and operand don't agree [record labels]
stdIn:4:'Y; 'Z}
operator domain: {int ty] * [int ty] * [int ty]
operand: [in expression:
fn {4=4,...} => 4) (1,2,3)
- 3 (1,2,3);
- #val it = 3 : int
To use an infix operator as a normal function.
1 + 2;
- val it = 3 : int
op+ (1,2);
- val it = 3 : int
5 mod 6;
- val it = 5 : int
op mod (5, 6);
- val it = 5 : int
Character literals are denoted with a string of length 1 prefixed by
a #
- #"a";
val it = #"a" : char
- #"\\";
val it = #"\\" : char
- #"\n";
val it = #"\n" : char
- #"3";
val it = #"3" : char
- explode "abc";
val it = [#"a",#"b",#"c"] : char list
- #"aa";
stdIn:19.1-19.5 Error: character constant not length 1
1,2] @ [3,4];
- [val it = [1,2,3,4] : int list
fun cirumference r = 2 * 3.14 * r
fun area r = 3.14 * r * r
fun abs x : real = if x < 0 then ~x else x
abstype 'a set = set of 'a list
with val emptyset: 'a set =
fun singleton (e: 'a): 'a set =
fun union (s1: 'a set, s2: 'a set): 'a set =
fun member (e: 'a, s: 'a set): bool =
| member (e, set (h :: t)) = (e = h)orelse member(e, set t)
fun intersection(s1: 'a set, s2: 'a set): 'a set =
… with
(* exception exception_name of args *)
(* exception empty_list of unit *)
exception empty_list
>>> empty_list;;
val it = empty_list(-) : exn
(* hd: 'a list -> 'a *)
fun head nil = raise empty_list
| head (x::xs) = x
fun append l1 l2 =
(head l1) :: (append (tl l1) l2)handle empty_list => l2
>>> append [1] [2,3];;
val it = [1,2,3] : int list
: sml's only extensible data type that is built-in
(infix) op div
is of type int * int -> int
smlnj has a BitArray structure.
It seems have had a BitVector structure as well ??
There is an Array2 structure for implementing 2D arrays.
Parenthesis placement can be a source of confusion.
For example:
fun foo nil = fn x => true
fn y => false | foo _ =
would give error.
Error: syntax error: replacing EQUALOP with DARROW
This is because the parser thinks that the second line is continuation of the anonymous function described in the first line.
Make it clear to the parser that they are separate functions and that the second line is not another case of the first anonymous function with explicit parentheses.
fun foo nil = (fn x => true)
fn y => false | foo _ =