VHDL is:
Part of a line that comes after a --
Reference: https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~ese171/vhdl/keywordlist.html (95 words here)
abs | access | after | alias | all |
and | architecture | array | assert | attribute |
begin | block | body | buffer | bus |
case | component | configuration | constant | disconnect |
downto | else | elsif | end | entity |
exit | file | for | function | generate |
generic | group | guarded | if | impure |
in | inertial | inout | is | label |
library | linkage | literal | loop | map |
mod | nand | new | next | nor |
not | null | of | on | open |
or | others | out | package | port |
postponed | procedure | process | pure | range |
record | register | reject | return | rol |
ror | select | severity | signal | shared |
sla | sli | sra | srl | subtype |
then | to | transport | type | unaffected |
units | until | use | variable | wait |
when | while | with | xnor | xor |
)-- If
a : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0)
b : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0)
-- then
a & b
-- is of type std_logic_vector (5 downto 0)
Ref: https://www.nandland.com/vhdl/examples/example-concatenation-operator.html
assign value to a signal
assign value to a variable
-- variable var_name : type
: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); variable outvector
type <type-name> is record
<attr1> : <type>;
<attr2> : <type>;
<attrn> : <type>;
end record <type-name>;
type rec_typ is record: std_logic;
in_en : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
data : std_logic;
end record rec_typ;
-- use the record
: rec_typ := (in_en => '0',
constant inst_rec_type => '00001001',
data => '1); out_en
Another example:
<= (oldver => "00",
nstate => '0'); curst
, START, FINISH); type state_t is (IDLE
Code that can be reused.
Helps to organize the code.
Reference: link (pdf)
Signal | Variable |
Assign with <= |
Assign with := |
Usable inside/outside processes | Usable only inside processes |
Visible in many processes | Visible only in one process |
(but assigned only in one) | |
May get value only on next | Immediately gets value on |
clock on assignment (in seq circuits) | assignment |
Easier to sythesize | Can be harder to synthesize |
process is
begin<= sign + 1;
wait for 10 ns; end process;
We can set/reset values of a few bits of a bit-vector and then set/reset the remaining bits to some value at once using others
: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
bv <= (2 => '1',
bv => '1',
0 => '0');
others -- bit 2 and 0 are set to 1 and all others to 0.
-- ie, bv now has 00000101 as its value.
Ref: link
d--→-->| q = fq(d, r) |-------> q
+-->| r_in = fr(d, r) |--→--+
| +-----------------+ |
r ↑ ↓ r_in
| +-----------------+ |
+-←-| r = r_in |--←--+
clk--->-| |
The sequential component merely copies the value of rin generated by the combinational process to the register at the start of the next clock cycle.
Consider an example of an 8 bit counter, where:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity count8 is
: in std_logic;
clk: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
d: out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
);end count8;
architecture count8_arch signal r, r_in : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
comb: process(load, count, d, r) is
variable tmp : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
if load = '1' then
:= d;
tmp elsif count = '1' then
:= r + 1;
tmp else
:= r;
tmp end if;
<= tmp;
r_in <= r;
q end process;
seq: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
<= r_in;
r end if;
end process;
end count8_arch;
We can do the same using record types:
An example:
-- https://www.ics.uci.edu/~jmoorkan/vhdlref/function.html
package refpack is
function parity (x : std_logic_vector)
return std_logic;
end refpack;
package body refpack is
function parity (x : std_logic_vector)
return std_logic is
-- function body
end parity;
end refpack;
<expression> is
case <const> =>
when ...
<const> =>
when ...
end case;
case a_const is"00" =>
when := 0;
a_var "01" =>
when := 1;
a_var "10" =>
when := 2;
a_var end case;
) needn't be mentioned.Syntax:
function function_name (args: arg_types) ret_type is
sequential statements
end function_name;
-- Boolean NOT
: std_logic)
function cust_not (val
return std_logic is
begin= '1' then
if val '0';
end if; end function cust_not;
VHDL | C |
elsif |
else if |
= |
== |
:= & <= |
= |
= '1' then
if load := r + 1;
tmp = '1' then
elsif count := r - 1;
else:= 1;
tmp end if;
-- find first set bit
: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
variable vec : natural;
variable first
'range loop
for i in vec= '1' then
if vec(i) := i;
first -- break statement
end if; end loop;
Operators available in this package include:
and | or | xor |
nand | nor | nxor |
Like an array of std_logic
-- Vector of 8 bits in each case
-- MSB is in the beginning.
-- Better use this form to avoid confusion
: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal a
-- MSB is at the end.
: std_logic_vector (0 to 7);
signal b
-- Indexing a bitvector
-- Get 4th element of a vector
: bit 0vec(9 downto 7)
: bits 9,8,7vec(1 to 3)
: bits 1,2,3Ref: link
: uninitializedX
: forcing unknown0
: forcing 01
: forcing 1Z
: high impedance (tri-state)W
: weak unknownL
: weak 0H
: weak 1-
: don't careU | X | 0 | 1 | Z | W | L | H | - | |
U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U |
X | U | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
0 | U | X | 0 | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | X |
1 | U | X | X | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | X |
Z | U | X | 0 | 1 | Z | W | L | H | X |
W | U | X | 0 | 1 | W | W | W | W | X |
L | U | X | 0 | 1 | L | W | L | W | X |
H | U | X | 0 | 1 | H | W | W | H | X |
- | U | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Source: http://people.sabanciuniv.edu/erkays/el310/ch09.pdf
find practical use in synthesis these days.numeric_std
, -
, comparison, etc.Although practically, it is quite impossible to construct a circuit with an exact delay since many factors are at play:
<= a + b + 1 after 10 ns;
y -- means that whenever a or b changes, the expression a+b+1 is evaluated
-- and its value is assigned to y after a delay of 10ns.
<= (q and (not en)) or (d and en);
q -- keep value of q unchanged if en is 0.
-- Otherwise use d to set q
signal_name <= value_expr_1 when boolean_expr_1 else
value_expr_2 when boolean_expr_2 else
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity mux41 is
, b, c, d: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- input lines
a: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- select lines (2)
s: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) -- output line
);end mux41;
architecture mux41_arch begin
<= a when (s="00") else
o when (s="01") else
b when (s="10") else
d;end mux41_arch;
s0 | s1 | out |
0 | 0 | 0001 |
0 | 1 | 0010 |
0 | 1 | 0100 |
1 | 1 | 1000 |
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity decoder is
: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
s: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
);end decoder;
architecture decoder_arch begin
<= "0001" when (s="00") else
o "0010" when (s="01") else
"0100" when (s="10") else
end decoder_arch;
r (in) | code (out) | active (out) |
1xxx | 11 | 1 |
01xx | 10 | 1 |
001x | 01 | 1 |
0001 | 00 | 1 |
0000 | 00 | 0 |
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity prio42 is
: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
r: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
code: out std_logic
);end piro42;
architecture prio42_arch begin
<= "11" when (r(3)='1') else
code "10" when (r(2)='1') else
"01" when (r(1)='1')
-- Not sure if the following line would've been okay.
-- active <= '0' when (r="0000") else '1';
<= r(3) or r(2) or r(1) or r(0);
active end prio42_arch;
ctrl | result |
0xx | src0 + 1 |
100 | src0 + src1 |
101 | src0 - src1 |
110 | src0 and src1 |
111 | src0 or src1 |
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity alu is
: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
ctrl, src0: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
src1: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
);end alu;
architecture alu_arch signal sum, diff, inc: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
<= src0 + 1
inc <= src0 + 1 when
ctrl end alu_arch;
Three phases in simulation of VHDL code:
statement cannot appear outside process
statements cannot appear outside process
-es.Ports can be left disconnected while doing port map
on components. Use open
: HALFADD port map
ADDER2=>Y,A=>X,SUM=>S,CARRY=>open); (B
Reference: https://www.ics.uci.edu/~jmoorkan/vhdlref/compinst.html
Don't use | Instead use |
ieee.std_logic_unsigned |
ieee.numeric_std.all |
ieee.std_logic_arith |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
to_integer() +--------+ std_logic_vector()
+---------------| signed |-------------------+
| +--------+ |
| ^ ^ |
| | | |
| to_signed()| |signed() |
| | | |
V | | V
+---------+ | | +------------------+
| |-----------+ +-----------| |
| integer | | std_logic_vector |
| |-----------+ +-----------| |
+---------+ | | +------------------+
^ | | ^
| | | |
| to_unsigned()| |unsigned() |
| | | |
| V V |
| +----------+ |
+--------------| unsigned |------------------+
to_integer() +----------+ std_logic_vector()
<------------------------> <-------------------------------->
Conversion functions Type cast
ghdl -s --std=08 file.vhdl
wait for 10 ns
) are not synthesisable though they can be used during simulation.