PVS theorem prover



Description Command Key binding
Start proof M-x pr C-c p
Type check M-x typecheck C-c C-t
Show TCCs M-x show-tccs C-c C-q s
Quit M-x exit-pvs C-x C-c
Suspend PVS M-x suspend-pvs C-x C-z

Recovering from errors

(restart) may be helpful.

Logic of PVS

PVS uses sequent calculus.

Inference rules are of the form:

 Γ₁ ⊢ Δ₁     ...    Γₙ ⊢ Δₙ
            Γ ⊢ Δ

Given a leaf node of a proof tree with Γ ⊢ Δ, this rule allows adding n children to that node (making it a non-leaf node).

Structural rules:

    A,A,Γ ⊢ Δ                    Γ ⊢ A,A,Δ
---------------- c⊢          ----------------- ⊢c              
     A,Γ ⊢ Δ                      Γ ⊢ A,Δ

  Γ₁,A,B,Γ₂ ⊢ Δ                Γ ⊢ Δ₁,A,B,Δ₂
---------------- x⊢          ----------------- ⊢x              
  Γ₁,B,A,Γ₂ ⊢ Δ                Γ ⊢ Δ₁,B,A,Δ₂

Propositional rules:

    A,B,Γ ⊢ Δ                  Γ ⊢ A,Δ     Γ ⊢ B,Δ
---------------- ∧⊢          ----------------------- ⊢∧              
  A ∧ B,Γ  ⊢ Δ                     Γ ⊢ A ∧ B,Δ     

  A,Γ ⊢ Δ   B,Γ ⊢ Δ           Γ ⊢ A,Δ     Γ ⊢ B,Δ
--------------------- ∨⊢     ----------------------- ⊢∨              
    A ∨ B,Γ ⊢ Δ                   Γ ⊢ A ∧ B,Δ     

More stuff

Keywords for symbols

Keyword Symbol
AND, &
IFF, <=> ↔︎

And WHEN is same as IMPLIES with the order of operands reversed.

These symbols are simply textual replacements.

So λn:n is not same as λ n: n. Former would give error as they expand like:

With symbols Expanded form
λn: n LAMBDAn: n
λ n: n LAMBDA n: n

And pvs would flag the LAMBDAn part as a syntax error.

Strategy application stuff

a strategy invoked with a $ suffix means that the strategy will be executed with the expanded internal steps still visible. Useful for debugging.

Naming convention

From prover-guide section 4.13:

Deprecated form:

New form:

Both forms still work, but can't be mixed.

A proof with TCCs

Sum of first n natural numbers

sumn: THEORY
  n: VAR nat
  sum(n): RECURSIVE nat =
    (IF n = 0 THEN
       n + sum(n-1)

  nnatsum: THEOREM
    sum(n) = (n * (n+1)) / 2
END sumn


(induct "n")
(expand "sum")
(expand "sum" +)

Rules and strategies

User guides the proof construction process via rules and strategies.

Some rules:

Rule Purpose
flatten disjunctive simplification.
split conjunctive splitting.
skolem eliminating universal-strength quantifiers.
inst instantiating existential-strength quantifiers.

If we got a sequent like ⊢ (a → b), flatten can make it a ⊢ b.

auto-rewrite installing rewrite rules for use during simplification.
simplify simplification using rewriting and ground decision procedures

Import system is there (IMPORTING), but not going into that.