[2024-12-02 Mon]
- Escher fish programs of Peter Henderson
[2024-11-29 Fri]
[2024-11-21 Thu]
[2024-11-04 Mon]
[2024-09-23 Mon]
[2024-06-27 Thu]
- An interesting, funny survey of mathematicians: link
[2024-04-29 Mon]
[2024-04-28 Sun]
[2024-04-11 Thu]
- Lukasiewicz logicʷ: A 3-valued modal logic
[2024-03-11 Mon]
- cc hack: Brian Kernighan shows how a compiler can inject backdoors to allow root logins (1984?) ʳ
- Major systemʷ: a way to remember numbers by thinking of them as words corresponding to sounds.
[2024-02-22 Thu]
- Disagreement between Hilbert and Brouwer ʷ
- GeoCoq: An attempt to formalize (Euclidean?) geometry in Coq
- hack: 'PHP with types'. Made at facebook/meta ʳ
[2024-02-16 Fri]
[2024-02-15 Thu]
- A tiny introduction to lens (Haskell library) as a tutorial: link
[2023-11-01 Wed]
[2023-10-27 Fri]
[2023-10-14 Sat]
[2023-10-09 Mon]
[2023-10-03 Tue]
- SECD machineʷ: An abstract machine specifically intended to evaluate lambda calculus expressions
[2023-09-28 Thu]
- Etymology of the 'liquid' in liquid types (as in Liquid haskell) is 'Logically Qualified'
- From PLDI'08 ᵖ
- Original implementation seems to have been in OCaml.