Declarations consist of
: an implicit sub-programwhere
: an explicit sub-programEquations
are automatically
registered in a hint database named f
An inductive graph will be generated (by default. Can be changed).
For example, here:
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Equations neg (b : bool) : bool :=
neg true := false;
neg false := true.
(* Equations generate this automatically *)
Print neg_graph.
Inductive neg_graph : bool -> bool -> Set :=
neg_graph_equation_1 : neg_graph true false
| neg_graph_equation_2 : neg_graph false true.
Arguments neg_graph (b _)%bool_scope
Signature pack a value with its index. —
Dependent types are also useful to turn partial functions into total functions by restricting their domain.
- Equations coq plugin manual
doesn't agree with
: Use interactive proof mode to fill in holes
instead of Program
obligations.(A := B)
, { ... }
, :=
, =>
are opaque by
default.Set Equations Transparent
Global Transparent <name>
Transparent <name>
is the empty pattern in Equations
Note: When writing { |!}
, make sure there is a space
after {
. Otherwise it's syntax of a Coq record.
An example:
Equations hd {A: Type} (l: list A) (pf: l <> []): A :=
hd [] pf with pf eq_refl := { |!};
hd (a::l) _ := a.
Have not yet figured out how pf eq_refl
is appropriate
x ≠ x
. Its proof cannot be
. It would be like a function returning
, I guess.We can leave holes in the definition if needed. Each hole would
generate a proof obligation. If Coq cannot resolve the obligations, we
need to fulfill them. It would like in
-Next Obligation
An example where Coq can figure out all obligations by itself:
Equations equal (n m: nat): {n=m} + {n<>m} :=
equal O O := left eq_refl;
equal (S n) (S m) with equal n m := {
equal (S n) (S ?(n)) (left eq_refl) := left eq_refl;
equal (S n) (S m) (right _) := right _;
equal n m := right _.
Syntax to allow for unification.
Equations eqt' {A: Type} (x y z: A) (pf1: x=y) (pf2: y=z): x=z :=
eqt' x ?(x) ?(x) eq_refl eq_refl := eq_refl.
Here the two ?(x)
-s gets values from y
, and are unified with the value of x
From the manual:
notation is essentially denoting that the pattern is not a candidate for refinement, as it is determined by another pattern. This particular patterns are called "inaccessible". When they are variables the inaccessibility annotation is optional.
Although this particular example could also have been just:
Equations eqt {A: Type} {x y z: A} (pf1: x=y) (pf2: y=z): x=z :=
eqt eq_refl eq_refl := eq_refl.
An example:
Equations unzip {A: Type} (l: list (A * A)): list A * list A :=
unzip [] := ([], []);
unzip (x :: l) with unzip l => {
unzip ((a,b)::l) (la, lb) := (a::la, b::lb)}.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import Vector.
Import VectorNotations.
Arguments Vector.nil {A}.
Arguments Vector.cons {A} a {n} v: rename.
Equations vtail {A: Type} {n: nat}
(v: Vector.t A (S n))
: Vector.t A n :=
vtail (x::v) := v.
We didn't have to mention the case of empty vector because it was able to infer it.
Following example to find diagonal vector a square matrix won't go through because Coq cannot see which argument is getting smaller:
(* Diagonal of a square matrix *)
Fail Equations diag {A: Type} {n: nat}
(v: Vector.t (Vector.t A n) n)
: Vector.t A n :=
diag [] := [];
diag ((x::v) :: v') :=
x :: (diag (vmap vtail v')).
The command has indeed failed with message:
Cannot guess decreasing argument of fix.
But if we use n
explicitly, somehow
help Coq figure it out (unification is
Equations diag {A: Type} {n: nat}
(v: Vector.t (Vector.t A n) n)
: Vector.t A n :=
diag (n:=O) [] := [];
diag (n:=S _) ((x::v) :: v') :=
x :: (diag (vmap vtail v')).
Make well-foundedness explicit with wf
Instead of letting coq's default way to figure out decreasing argument in a recursive definition.
allows Coq to have something more than just syntactic
check to figure out decreasing argument in the definition.
Example (just for illustrative purposes. wf
is not
needed here):
Equations id' (n: nat): nat by wf n lt :=
id' O := O;
id' (S n') := id n'.
This says that successive values of n
are related by the
relation lt
Obligations are automatically inserted to show that
lt next curr
holds all the way till the base case.
In this example, Coq can solve all obligations
(n' < S n'
) automatically.
If the relation is heterogenous (ie, relates values of two different
types, like (x: Vector.t A n) < (y: Vector.t A (S n))
obligations would be less simple.
command of Equations
can be used to
generate types that can help provide structure in such cases.
Derive NoConfusion for Vector.t.
(* NoConfusionPackage_t is defined *)
Derive Subterm for Vector.t.
t_direct_subterm is defined
t_direct_subterm_ind is defined
t_direct_subterm_sind is defined
t_direct_subterm_sig is defined
t_direct_subterm_sig_pack is defined
t_direct_subterm_Signature is defined
t_subterm is defined
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Derive NoConfusion for sort.
Derive Signature NoConfusion NoConfusionHom for t.
Derive Subterm for t.
Check well_founded_t_subterm : forall A, WellFounded (t_subterm A).
(* by wf (signature_pack f) (@t_subterm f) := *)
Note: eliminator=yes
implicitly sets
Equations hd {A: Type} (l: list A) (pf: l <> []): A :=
hd [] pf with pf eq_refl := { |!};
hd (a::l) _ := a.
and dependent elimination
Try Set Equations Debug.
and see.
Will show where it went off track.
Set Equations Transparent.
Global Transparent
A: Type
P: A -> Type
x, y: A
P x: Type
x = y: Prop
P y: Type
Essentially says that given a P x
, if x=y
then we can get a P y