file corresponding to an
importable library: Locate Library <name>
: there exists an x
which satisfies
2 predicates P
and Q
exists2 (x:A), (P x) & )Q x)
From Coq Require Import Utf8.
), ∃
, Let Fixpoint
, etc
, Fixpoint
, etc except that
the definiton is not valid outside current section.pose proof <theorem_name>
, lemma
, etcAll of the following¹ can be used interchangably:
All of these are same as far as coq is concerned but judicious use can improve readability.
From the manual:
command is similar to theInductive
command, except that it disallows recursive definition of types (for instance, lists cannot be defined usingVariant
). No induction scheme is generated for this variant, unless theNonrecursive Elimination Schemes
flag is on.
is same as Inductive
Variant mbool : Type := mtrue | mfalse.
(* mbool is defined *)
Inductive mbool : Type := mtrue | mfalse.
mbool is defined
mbool_rect is defined
mbool_ind is defined
mbool_rec is defined
mbool_sind is defined
Variant mlist (A:Type) : Type :=
| mnil: mlist A
| mcons: A -> mlist A -> mlist A.
Types declared with the keyword Variant cannot be recursive. Recursive types are defined with the Inductive and CoInductive command.
Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes
flag can be set to
allow induction principles generated for variants (and records) as
Set Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes.
Variant mbool : Type := mtrue | mfalse.
mbool is defined
mbool_rect is defined
mbool_ind is defined
mbool_rec is defined
mbool_sind is defined
See here
for a discussion on Variant
and Inductive
This is possible:
Inductive foo := go {_a:nat}.
Print foo.
(* Inductive foo : Set := go : nat -> foo. *)
Inductive foo2 := go {_a:nat; _b:nat}.
Print foo2.
(* Inductive foo2 : Set := go : nat -> nat -> foo2. *)
Goal forall (A:Type) (l : list A),
match l with
| [] => 0
| [a] => 1
| _ => 2
end = length l.
move => A [|a[|l']].
3 subgoals
A : Type
========================= (1 / 3)
0 = length []
========================= (2 / 3)
1 = length [a]
========================= (3 / 3)
forall l : list A, 2 = length (a :: l' :: l)
Or the non-ssreflect way:
Goal forall (A:Type) (l : list A),
match l with
| [] => 0
| [a] => 1
| _ => 2
end = length l.
intros A l.
destruct l as [|a [|l']].
3 subgoals
A : Type
========================= (1 / 3)
0 = length []
========================= (2 / 3)
1 = length [a]
========================= (3 / 3)
2 = length (a :: l' :: l)
Strict Prop
forall (A:SProp) (P: A -> Prop) (x y:A),
P x -> P y.
1 subgoal
A : SProp
P : A -> Prop
x, y : A
H : P x
========================= (1 / 1)
P y
exact H.
(* ∵ [x] and [y] are equivalent proofs of the same [SProp]: [A] *)
vs Type
thingNotations at the tactic level.
See https://coq.inria.fr/refman/user-extensions/syntax-extensions.html#coq:cmd.Tactic-Notation
(Implicit) Coercions in Coq are merely for better convenience, it doesn't add any extra power. https://coq.inria.fr/doc/v8.18/refman/addendum/implicit-coercions.html
Print Graph
in record typesHave an implicit corecion from the record type to a particular field of that record.
For example ˡ:
Record nfa : Type := {
nfa_state :> finType
; nfa_s : { set nfa_state }
; nfa_fin : { set nfa_state }
; nfa_trans : nfa_state -> char -> nfa_state -> bool
Now we can have a value of type nfa
and it can be
implicitly converted to the value of its nfa_state
field if
If we have a coercion like a2b: A >-> B
b:B = a:A
is okay
b = a2b a
✓a:A = b:B
isn'tApparently, coercion search happens only in the RHS.
Code block example:
Definition incr (n: nat): nat := S n.
Inline example:
<< fst >> will give first element of a tuple
(and >>
??) can't show up in
the verbatim text if we use the inline version.
(* begin hide *)
<hidden code>
(* end hide *)
Show some code when it's part of a hidden chunk:
(* begin show *)
<hidden code>
(* end show *)
and ]
by surrounding it with a
pair of #
a list #[# a; b #]#
See: https://coq.inria.fr/doc/V8.19.0/refman/addendum/generalized-rewriting.html
(from Relations): like mathcomp
, but in Prop
relation: A -> A -> Prop
: A relation
vs combine
(* Like cross-product. Length of output is product of lengths of inputs *)
Compute list_prod [1; 2] [3;4;5].
= [(1, 3); (1, 4); (1, 5); (2, 3); (2, 4); (2, 5)]
: seq.seq (nat * nat)
(* Length of output is min of length of inputs *)
Compute combine [1; 2] [3;4;5].
= [(1, 3); (2, 4)]
: seq.seq (nat * nat)
clear implicits
Instead of first declaring a type argument implicit in a bunch of constructors as in:
Inductive instr (A:Type) : Type :=
| Binop: instr A -> instr A -> instr A
| Unop: instr A -> instr A
| Const: A -> instr A.
Arguments Binop {A}.
Arguments Unop {A}.
Arguments Const {A}.
we could just do:
Inductive instr {A:Type} : Type :=
| Binop: instr -> instr -> instr
| Unop: instr -> instr
| Const: A -> instr.
Check instr.
: Type
?A : [ |- Type]
Arguments instr : clear implicits.
Check instr.
(* instr : Type -> Type *)
Got the idea from here.
A similar effect (not same) can be attained using the Uniform Inductive Parameters
Set Uniform Inductive Parameters.
Inductive instr (A:Type) : Type :=
| Binop: instr -> instr -> instr
| Unop: instr -> instr
| Const: A -> instr.
Check instr.
(* instr : Type -> Type *)
Check Const.
: forall A : Type, A -> instr A
Once got parameters got to be the same for all types in a mutually inductive setup. (ltamer)
Using Variable
inside Section
made it
This got error:
Inductive term {V:type->Type} {res:type} : Type :=
| Halt: V res -> term
| Bind: forall t:type,
primop t (* operation *)
-> (V t -> term) (* next thing to do *)
-> term
| App: (* Invoke a continuation *)
V (Cont t) (* Next thing. Why can't it just be [Cont t]? *)
-> V t (* Value to throw at the continuation *)
-> term
with primop {V:type->Type} : type -> Type :=
| Var: forall {t:type}, V t -> primop t
| Tru: primop Bool
| Fls: primop Bool
| Pair: forall {t1 t2:type},
V t1 -> V t2 -> primop (Prod t1 t2)
| Fst: forall {t1 t2:type}, Var (Prod t1 t2) -> primop t1
| Snd: forall {t1 t2:type}, Var (Prod t1 t2) -> primop t2.
This worked fine:
Section Foo.
Variable V:type->Type.
Variable res:type.
Inductive term : Type :=
| Halt: V res -> term
| Bind: forall t:type,
primop t (* operation *)
-> (V t -> term) (* next thing to do *)
-> term
| App: forall t:type, (* Invoke a continuation *)
V (Cont t) (* Next thing. Why can't it just be [Cont t]? *)
-> V t (* Value to throw at the continuation *)
-> term
with primop : type -> Type :=
| Var: forall {t:type}, V t -> primop t
| Tru: primop Bool
| Fls: primop Bool
| Pair: forall {t1 t2:type},
V t1 -> V t2 -> primop (Prod t1 t2)
| Fst: forall {t1 t2:type}, V (Prod t1 t2) -> primop t1
| Snd: forall {t1 t2:type}, V (Prod t1 t2) -> primop t2.
End Foo.
Could it be that having explicit type annotations can help reduce time to perform type checks?
Found this here:
The apparently redundant type annotation reduces checking time by 30%.
⁹Similar to Fail
. Checks if the command succeeds and
reverts its effects.
'Useful for writing tests.'
Succeed Compute S 3.
= 4
: nat
The command has succeeded and its effects have been reverted.
Succeed Set Implicit Arguments.
(* The command has succeeded and its effects have been reverted. *)
Succeed Set Printing Notations.
Set this option from the IDE menu instead
The command has succeeded and its effects have been reverted.
Set Printing Parentheses
Unset Printing Notations
Set Printing Coercions
Set Printing All
Print Coercions
: gives a (often huge and difficult to
understand) list of currently active coercions.Set Printing Universes.
Unset Printing Notations.
Changes the way record projections are printed.
Record egrec := BuildEgRec {
num: nat
; flag: bool
Example r := BuildEgRec 3 true.
Check num r.
(* num r : nat *)
Set Printing Projections.
Check num r.
(* r.(num) : nat *)
Use Print Implicit
Print Implicit inl.
inl : forall {A B : Type}, A -> A + B
When applied to no more than 1 argument:
Arguments A, B are implicit and maximally inserted
When applied to 2 arguments:
Argument A is implicit
Print Debug GC.
minor words: 7311684983.
promoted words: 119611354.
major words: 175152082.
minor_collections: 230
major_collections: 13
heap_words: 39796736
heap_chunks: 9
live_words: 13361868
live_blocks: 3944198
free_words: 26434337
free_blocks: 3
largest_free: 10299904
fragments: 531
compactions: 2
top_heap_words: 90810368
stack_size: 239
Reference: https://coq.inria.fr/refman/proofs/writing-proofs/proof-mode.html#controlling-memory-usage
Test Debug
shows the list of options related to
Test Debug.
Debug: -all,-backtrace,-vernacinterp,-unification,-tactic-unification,-proof-using,-native-compiler,-misc,-ho-unification,-congruence,-RAKAM,-Cbv
RAKAM: Refolding Algebraic Krivine Abstract Machine [[8][⁸]]
and opaquenesshave
tactic introduces opaque terms from Coq 8.20
have @H
instead of have H
transparent termsSearch
Found from here:
(* Search only for definitions *)
Search (nat -> nat -> nat) is:Definition.
(* Fixpoints don't appear with this as of coq8.19, apparently *)
: Input: Matches term only if there are no existential
: Output: Matches any term!
: 'head only is an output' ??: Matches only if head of
term is devoid of existential variablesLinks:
Hint Constructors <typename>.
Hint Resolve <lemma-name> : <db-name>.
, do
, timeout
, time
, once
, exactly_once
, abstract
, solve
, fail
, gfail
, match goal
and their lazymatch and
multimatch variants.eval
, context
, fresh
, type of
: Try the given tactics one by one and stop at the
first tactic to make progress.https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52997319/is-printf-debugging-possible-in-ltac
Use idtac <msg-string>
Class className A := fieldName: A.
Typeclasses Opaque
: Another way of saying
Hint Opaque
(value of unit
type) is
historical. This was the name commonly used for the corresponding lambda
calculus papers in old papers, apparently.
I: True
came about...
├── .github
│ └── workflows
│ ├── action-foo.yml
│ └── action-bar.yml
├── Makefile
├── Makefile.coq.local
├── README.md
├── _CoqProject
├── coq-project-name.opam
├── dune-project
├── meta.yml
└── theories
├── dune
├── foo.v
└── bar.v
As per this convention, many of the files are meant to be
autogenerated based on the information made available in the