GHC extensions

Haskell98 and Haskell2010 are standards.

But GHC provides many extensions.

Extensions can be enabled with:

DONE EmptyCase

Allow to pattern match with case on a type without constructors.


data Void = Void

f :: Void -> Int
f x = case x of { }

DONE DeriveLift

TODO ExplicitForAll

Implied by: ScopedTypeVariables, LiberalTypeSynonyms, RankNTypes, ExistentialQuantification

Even without this extension, there is a forall by default.

For example, foo :: a -> a really means foo :: forall a. (a -> a) (but the latter makes scoped type variables via ScopedTypeVariables possible).

ExplicitForAll can give more control over this implicit quantification.

TODO ScopedTypeVariables

Allows free variables (introduced with a forall) occuring in the type to be 're-used' in type annotations in the body of a definition ??

Example from Haskell wiki:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
f xs = ys ++ ys
       ys :: [a]  -- This `a` is same the one in type of `f'
       ys = reverse xs


Apparently can help avoid monomorphism restriction.

DONE UnicodeSyntax

Allows using unicode symbols in place of certain character sequences.


DONE StandaloneDeriving

Allow a shorter form of instance definition of a type class for an type that has already been defined.

data Foo a = Bar a | Baz String

deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Foo a)

For types for which haskell can make the derivation by itself. Otherwise we would have to write the instance definition ourselves.

Standalone deriving is similar to having a deriving clause made as part of a type's definition, but not exactly same?

DONE MagicHash

Allow definition (and use?) of identifiers with a # at its end.

Like: Word#

Variables with # in end are usually used by internals.

For example, types with # at its end are unboxed types by convention (not a requirement though).

DONE BinaryLiterals

Allows use of binary notation to represent integers.

$ ghci
GHCi, version 9.4.8:  :? for help

λ> {-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
λ> 0b101

λ> 0b1001010101011

λ> 0b2031
<interactive>:4:2: error: Variable not in scope: b2031

(Couldn't get this working in ghci v8.8.4 for some reason. Though docs say it is available since v7.10.1)

Note that octal and hexadecimal notations are supported without any extensions:

λ> 0x2e

λ> 0o70

Also see: link

DONE LexicalNegation

We can't use (-1) to mean a function that decrements argument by one like we do for (+1).

This is because, ghc considers the - sybmol to mean unary negation if the expression has nothing on the left side.

λ> (-1)

λ> :t (-1)
(-1) :: Num a => a

λ> (-1) 3

<interactive>:2:1: error: [GHC-39999]
Could not deduce ‘Num t0’
      from the context: (Num t1, Num (t1 -> t2))

The other direction is okay though:

λ> (1-) 4

To avoid this problem in the left side, we can use subtract:

λ> :t subtract 1
subtract 1 :: Num a => a -> a

λ> subtract 1 4

Also, f -5 is considered f - 5 by default. Got to say f (-5).

We can enable LexicalNegation extension to get around this.

λ> :set -XLexicalNegation
λ> (- 4) 5

λ> (+2) -3

Both of the above statements would have resulted in errors in the absence of extensions.

Looks like LexicalNegation can be considered like a superset of the NegativeLiterals extension.

TODO MultiWayIf

Use guards syntax of pattern matching in if statements.

TODO TypeFamilies

Kind of like functions at type level.

TODO DataKinds

DataKinds makes a type and kind.

Kind is a type of types.

data Nat = Zero | Succ

makes the following:

We can skip the apostrophe for type constructors if it can be inferred as being of the kind level at compile time.

TODO LinearTypes

Linear function: Every argument is used exactly once.

DONE PartialTypeSignatures

Allows us to leave holes in type signature.

{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}

v :: Either _ Bool
v = Left 3

Hi.hs:3:13: warning: [-Wpartial-type-signatures] …
    • Found type wildcard ‘_’ standing for ‘Integer’
    • In the first argument of ‘Either’, namely ‘_’
      In the type ‘Either _ Bool’
      In the type signature: v :: Either _ Bool

Another example with a 3rd party library (clash):

import Clash.Prelude

v1 :: Vec _ Bool
v1 =
  (:>) True ((:>) False ((:>) True Nil))

DONE NoImplicitPrelude

GHC implicitly imports Prelude by default. This can be disabled with this extension.


Allows to define generalized algebraic data types.


data Literal a where
  NumLit :: Int -> Literal Int
  BoolLit :: Bool -> Literal Bool


Find macros already defined:

# Some foo.hs file is needed, but it isn't used...
$ touch foo.hs
$ ghc -E -optP-dM -cpp foo.hs

DONE LambdaCase

Allows to say

\case { p1 -> e1; ...; pN -> eN }

instead of

\freshName -> case freshName of {
  p1 -> e1
  pN -> eN

Casing on multiple args (scrutinees) also possible with cases (from GHC 9.4.1):

\cases { p11 ... pM1 -> e1; ...; p1N ... pMN -> eN }

would be same as a function f like:

f p11 ... pM1 -> e1
f p12 ... pM2 -> e2
f p1N ... pMN -> eN

\case { p1 -> e1; ...; pN -> eN }

is same as

\freshName -> case freshName of
                p1 -> e1
                pN -> eN


λ> :set -XLambdaCase
λ> f = \case {0 -> "zero"; 1 -> "one"; otherwise -> "other"}
λ> f 0
λ> f 1
λ> f 2


TODO Arrows

TODO ExistentialQuantification

Allows us to use forall in the type of data constructors, where it plays the role of an existential quantification.


data Stream a = ∃s. Stream (s -> Maybe (s, a))

is written as

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Stream a = forall s. Stream (s -> Maybe (s, a))

By default, a forall for universal quantification is implicit in Haskell types.

Type Same as
foo :: a -> b foo :: forall a b. a -> b

But forall is not a haskell keyword and it can't be used without extensions.

ExplicitForall extension can be used to write the forall for universal quantification explicitly.

RankNTypes allows us to 'use forall nested in type signatures, so that it does not apply to the whole type signature but just the part of it'ʳ.

TODO UndecidableInstances

Indicate to the compiler that it is okay if the type checker could not terminate.


Read: A history of haskell 2007: