ghdl: VHDL compiler
nvc: VHDL compiler
iverilog: verilog/systemverilog compiler
bsc: BlueSpec compiler
LiteX: For building
yosys: synthesis
bambu: synthesis
LiveHD: synthesis (WIP as of Dec 2024)
OpenRAM: SRAM compiler
f4pga (formerly SymbiFlow)
KLayout: IC layout viewer and editor
magic: layout tool
netgen: LVS (compares netlists)
IRSIM: a switch-level simulator
xcircuit: produce schematic diagram of circuits
Placement and routing
Static timing analysis:
Simulation/testing tools:
View wave form:
Tool chains:
Netlist layout viewer:
Open source processor designs:
Misc (haven't tried these):
'Nouvelle vogue':
TL-X: A new paradigm for hardware design ?
HardwareX: An open access journal owned by Elsevier
OSHWA: Open source hardware assocation
kicad: PCB design
FPGA bitstream documentation projects:
Companies making boards:
Research languages:
By the looks of it, these are unnecessarily heavy on memory and not so user friendly.